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Love Your Heart: Learn The 4 Key Foods To Beat Hypertension
Magnesium deficiencies can lead to numerous health conditions, but did you know that high blood pressure, otherwise known as hypertension, was one of them? Magnesium helps balance calcium in your system by dilating the muscles in arteries that calcium causes to contract. If magnesium levels are too low, the muscles in the artery walls stay constricted and cause more pressure on the blood flowing through them. Not many foods other than fish are very high in magnesium, so a supplement or fish oil capsules are a good alternative to he...

Natural Treatment And Prevention For Migraines And Chronic Headaches
Seventy percent of Americans are deficient in magnesium, and only 30 to 40 percent of people get at least 75 percent of the daily recommended value of it, which is 400 milligrams. In relation to headaches and migraines, magnesium effects the production of pain managing chemicals in the brain like serotonin. It also helps to open blood vessels in the brain, thereby improving circulation and reducing tension. Dr. Burton Altura, professor of physiology and medicine at the State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn stated tha...