Food and Health - Research on Food and How it Affects Your Health

Why Watermelon Seed Oil Is A Must-Have

Why Watermelon Seed Oil Is A Must-Have

An abundance of that juicy and refreshing summer fruit is right around the corner. What some don't know about this delicious, popular fruit is that those pesky seeds you end up spitting out actually have powerful health benefits. What's so glorious about fruits and seeds and plants and vegetables is the critical healing powers and properties within them that we may not even be fully aware of. Watermelon seed oil can be used in a whole host of different ways, and because of its high linoleic acid content, it makes for a highly impressive and ...
Study Confirms Beneficial Properties Of Whole Grain

Study Confirms Beneficial Properties Of Whole Grain

The National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark has confirmed the health benefits of including whole grains in your everyday diet. For the purposes of the study, researchers substituted the refined grains in pasta and white bread in favor of whole grains. The institute collaborated with the Exercise and Sports at the University of Copenhagen, Department of Nutrition, and DTU Bioinformatics. They also solicited the help of university researchers and hospitals to contribute to the study. As a result, they managed to complete the m...
Five Plants In Brazil Labeled Good Antioxidants

Five Plants In Brazil Labeled Good Antioxidants

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

The five food products have been known among the natives for their healing and anti-aging properties, according to Severino Matias Alencar, associate professor at the Department of Agroindustry, Food & Nutrition at University of So Paulo's Luiz de Queiroz Agricultural College. However, based on the research, the native berries appeared to have extremely high antioxidants.

Eat Your Broccoli

Eat Your Broccoli

By now, it should be common knowledge that vegetables, especially ones like broccoli, that are eaten on a regular basis, are not only good to keep weight off and fight illnesses, but also are healthy for our entire body. Perdew and his team identified broccoli as especially important due to its health benefits on our gut and intestinal systems. Although, we do not think about our internal organs very often, protecting them can prevent a majority of harmful diseases and cancers, such as colon cancer.
Antioxidant Foods Linked To Lower Diabetes Risk

Antioxidant Foods Linked To Lower Diabetes Risk

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

As is known from many research studies and commonly held practices, antioxidants have amazing benefits that are great for the immune system and potentially even helpful in the prevention of cancer. Antioxidants have been lauded as a great way to thwart the onset of certain cardiovascular conditions because of their heart-healthy properties.

The Egg Has Stunning Nutritional Value For Children

The Egg Has Stunning Nutritional Value For Children

For years, the egg was talked about very unfairly and many thought they were bad for you. In fact, it's the complete opposite. Eggs are often referred to as complete in nutritional circles. An egg is one of the best foods you can put in your body. The egg is a unique superfood that is packed full of high levels of protein, good fats, vitamins and minerals. It is also full of rich antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin. These antioxidants are integral to eye growth and the protection against conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration.
The Benefits Of Eating Fruits And Vegetables

The Benefits Of Eating Fruits And Vegetables

The top 10 raw foods related to better mental health are carrots, bananas, apples, dark leafy greens such as spinach, grapefruit, lettuce, citrus fruits, fresh berries, cucumber, and kiwifruit.
Impressive Advancements In Nutrition

Impressive Advancements In Nutrition

Reviewed by Ray Spotts

While sugar has gotten more and more of a bad reputation as the years wear on, the presence of dark chocolate is one that actually provides so many benefits without the inordinate amount of sugar. Dark chocolate is known to thwart inflammation and can reverse the effects of oxidative stress on the system.

Key Benefits Of Milk Thistle Oil

Key Benefits Of Milk Thistle Oil

Reviewed by: Ray Spotts

The plant that is responsible for the production of milk thistle oil is pointy and purple. Its scientific name is Silybum marianum, and it is found in certain parts of California. The ways in which this plant, and its oil, can be of benefit to you may be surprising. There are several ways in which this oil can be helpful externally and internally. Milk thistle has so many important components that should not be overlooked. Here are a few of the key benefits associated with milk thistle oil.

The Potential Anti-Aging Properties Of Mushrooms

The Potential Anti-Aging Properties Of Mushrooms

The amounts of each one of these antioxidants present in mushrooms - ergothioneine and glutathione - vary largely by strain and type. There are many different species that exist which have these two antioxidants. The porcini species - a part of the wild variety - has the highest amount. Though the more common types had less of the antioxidants than the porcini, they still had way more than many other food items. White button mushrooms, for example, will still provide a great deal of these antioxidants to the body when readily consumed.
Conflicting Research Regarding 100% Fruit Juice And Blood Sugar Levels

Conflicting Research Regarding 100% Fruit Juice And Blood Sugar Levels

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

It seems a bit suspect as many juices that claim to be 100 percent juice are also incredibly high in sugar and carbs, which clearly aggravate blood sugar levels. Now, there are some juices that are lower in sugar and are considered pure and natural 100 percent juice that may only have imperceptible effects on blood sugar - certain juices such as 100 percent cranberry, blueberry or pomegranate. But to assert that any 100 percent juice option would yield the same results is frankly incorrect.

Gluten Allergy Caused By What's In Wheat, Not The Wheat Itself

Gluten Allergy Caused By What's In Wheat, Not The Wheat Itself

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Food allergies and food sensitivities are not the same thing. One can cause a very obvious and harmful reaction when exposed to a certain food, while the other causes less obvious internal issues that may actually compromise your digestive system and lead to other health issues not so easily connected. 


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