Food and Health - Research on Food and How it Affects Your Health

What's So Great About Date Seed Oil?

What's So Great About Date Seed Oil?

Free radicals don't just affect your skin, they affect your entire body - both the internal and external parts. Due to the amount of antioxidants present in date seed oil, it can help your body fight against the oxidative stress damage that comes along with the free radicals that roam throughout our atmosphere. This makes it a great oil to cook with, use to protect the skin, and also be used in hair.
The Many Benefits Of Black Seed Oil

The Many Benefits Of Black Seed Oil

The seeds used as a spice in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisines taste like a combination of oregano, onions and black pepper with a pungent smell and bitter taste. These seeds are used to flavor vegetables and curries or as a pepper in recipes that include vegetables, salads , poultry and pod fruit - and even bread products in some cultures.
Study Suggests Tomatoes May Help Prevent Cancer

Study Suggests Tomatoes May Help Prevent Cancer

Skin cancer is one of the most common forms in the United States. The American Cancer Society reports that there are more cases of non-melanoma skin cancer each year than the number of breast, prostate, colon, and lung cancers combined. While non-melanoma skin cancer is not often deadly, it brings pain, expense, and in some cases disfigurement. It is little wonder that scientists have been researching ways to combat it.
Health Benefits Of Niger Seed Oil

Health Benefits Of Niger Seed Oil

Reviewed by Ray Spotts.

Niger seed oil has impressive health benefits associated with its use. Indigenous to Malawi, Ethiopia and India, it is derived from an herb that goes by many different names, one being black seed. The extraction process is typically done in a varied manner that deals specifically with high heat. Filled with fatty acids and linoleic acid the oil is very close to sunflower oil in composition and look.

Green Tea: The Secret Antidote To Impaired Memory And Obesity?

Green Tea: The Secret Antidote To Impaired Memory And Obesity?

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

One of the most common suggestions for a fortifying, healthy beverage is often green tea. So many praise its nutritional benefits, why it is superior to coffee, and its various functions. There is so much said about green tea that a group of researchers had questions they wanted answered - very specific questions regarding brain insulin resistance and the issues that can sometimes result in its presence.

Antioxidants In Blueberries Improve Brain Function In Older Individuals

Antioxidants In Blueberries Improve Brain Function In Older Individuals

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

The benefits of blueberries have been proclaimed for quite some time. They are on every list of the most powerfully rich antioxidant foods and the berries are easy to incorporate into a well-balanced diet. In a recent study, it was shown that the juice within the berry can help a specific issue that many older people begin to face: cognitive impairment.

Brazil Nut Oil Benefits The Skin

Brazil Nut Oil Benefits The Skin

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Brazil nuts are incredibly rich in nutrients and can be incorporated into a healthy diet easily. Due to the size of the nuts, a few go a long way as a great source of fiber and will help you to feel full for a longer period of time. However, consuming this nut isn't what we're going to explore today.

Tongue Function: Keeping Tastes Straight

Tongue Function: Keeping Tastes Straight

There is a rapid rate of cell turnover in the taste buds. This means they die off and are replaced at an exponential rate of speed. Because of this fact, it's of interest to many researchers just how the tongue is able to maintain its sense of taste in such an organizational manner. The study showed that all of the tastes that we experience are some variety and combination of the five standard taste qualities. This actually gives your tongue greater exactitude. So instead of a flavor or taste profile of 40 or 50, all tastes can be reduced down to five, at least at their roots.
What Is A Dika Nut?

What Is A Dika Nut?

One of the more unique and unknown oils comes from a nut or seed just as commonly unheard of. This unfamiliar nut is called a dika nut. It is most commonly referred to as African mango seed. The reason it's called dika in certain circumstances is that the seeds that come from African mangos actually go by many different names, depending on region, common practice and so on. This seed is incredibly beneficial for many different ailments and is such a cultural staple in certain parts of the world that it is used as a common ingredient in stews and soups.
Is Curcumin All Hype?

Is Curcumin All Hype?

Reviewed by Ray Spotts

Curcumin has been said to have tremendous healing power. Incredibly, serious conditions such as cancer and Alzheimer's can potentially be shifted and eased in the face of curcumin, or at least that's what numerous claims have reported. This may have been the outcome for some who have implemented this natural source as a treatment plan for their ailment. However, this recent study did not come to similar findings. In fact, it was found that perhaps this compound only has limited abilities and power.

Recent Studies Shed Light On Benefits Of Vitamin D

Recent Studies Shed Light On Benefits Of Vitamin D

Vitamin D - the sunshine vitamin - is thought to protect against respiratory infections by boosting levels of antimicrobial peptides - natural antibiotic-like substances - in the lungs. Results of the study fit with the observation that colds and flu are commonest in winter and spring, when levels of vitamin D are at their lowest. They may also explain why vitamin D protects against asthma attacks, which are commonly triggered by respiratory viruses.
Positive Properties Of Pistachio Oil

Positive Properties Of Pistachio Oil

When it comes to nut oils, many others come to mind before the oil of pistachio such as macadamia and peanut. However, just because pistachio oil isn't used as readily doesn't mean it's not an oil that should definitely be explored and considered. This oil is a great option when you want an oil that is nutrient rich and dense with healthy properties. It can be used both internally and externally.


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