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Positive Properties Of Pistachio Oil

Trusted Health Products

When it comes to nut oils, many others come to mind before the oil of pistachio such as macadamia and peanut. However, just because pistachio oil isn't used as readily doesn't mean it's not an oil that should definitely be explored and considered. This oil is a great option when you want an oil that is nutrient rich and dense with healthy properties. It can be used both internally and externally. Here are the ways in which the oil can really be beneficial.

Prevents Diabetes

One of the biggest health concerns in this country is diabetes. With so many having type 2 diabetes, because of the amount of sugar our diets contain, we have to really get a hold of our sugar intake and its effect on our health. Thankfully the amount of phosphorous that is present in the pistachio nut is an amazing aid for that issue. It actually has more than half of the daily amount of the nutrient per cup - less if it's the oil. The phosphorous helps to break down the proteins into amino acids that aid with glucose tolerance.

Nervous System

The amount of vitamin B6 that is present in the nut is incredibly good for the nervous system. It will help to coat and treat the nervous system from the inside out. Nerve fibers that fire off incorrectly or inaccurately can lead to a whole host of issues. Thankfully the vitamins and proteins in this oil help to increase the frequencies with which one nerve fiber connects to another. This helps to aid the proper transmission of nerve impulses. This directly affects stress levels, anxiety and energy.

Healthy Brain

We've said it plenty of times here but the brain needs fat. It thrives off of and functions best on healthy fats. This is exactly the type of fat that pistachio oil is. With the amount of vitamin B6 present, it naturally increases the hemoglobin count in the blood. This increases the supply of blood that gets to your brain. This adequately makes it even more active and sharp. Use a couple of teaspoons in your salad dressing or add it to your meals. This oil is tasty and also incredibly healthy.


Vitamin E is considered the skin vitamin. Pistachio oil is definitely high in this nourishing vitamin which makes it great for healthy and youthful looking skin. It helps to provide the skin with adequate moisture while also protecting it from harmful UV rays which are one of the primary causes of aging signs like sagging skin, wrinkles, or age spots. Its emollient properties will ensure you never have to fight off drying or cracking skin again.

Stimulates Hair Growth

This oil can be used topically on the scalp to promote hair growth. The follicles on our head can sometimes become unresponsive causing hair growth and health to deteriorate. Add a couple of drops of this to your scalp and massaging it in for a couple of minutes. You'll start to notice the difference after continued use.

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Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at


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