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What Your Food Cravings Really Mean

What Your Food Cravings Really Mean

If you're craving a steak or a burger:  Cravings for red meat can signal a lack of iron, or conjugated linoleic acid, which is a fatty acid that helps your body burn stored fat. A healthier option to replace iron is dark, leafy greens like spinach. This is especially beneficial if your diet is high in fat or carbohydrates. Try incorporating smaller amounts of red meat into your diet so that you dont go overboard when you do indulge. If you're craving baked goods: This usually indicates that your blood glucose levels are fluctuating. The str...
Natural Health Tips

Natural Health Tips

Home Hiccup Cure  Here's a tip from one of our customers: Nancy says take a teaspoon of honey, agave nectar, or sugar and hold it in the mouth for less than a minute. The hiccup just disappears. Don't know why, it just does. Thanks for the tip Nancy, more people suffer from hiccups than most people realize. Trouble Sleeping Your body needs the essential amino acid tryptophan in order to make serotonin and melatonin which help control your mood and sleep patterns. If you don't have enough tryptophan, you wont be able to make enough serotonin...


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