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What Are Tonsil Stones And How To Get Rid of Them

What Are Tonsil Stones And How To Get Rid of Them

There are quite a few reasons as to why tonsil stones are formed in the body. If you do not brush your teeth properly, food particles will remain in your mouth and will allow bacteria to grow.
Coping With The Frustration Of Oral Thrush

Coping With The Frustration Of Oral Thrush

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Oral thrush may coat the tongue and look very much like curdled milk or cottage cheese. It can also create angry looking red lesions. And there may be some redness, soreness, and cracking at the corners of your mouth, as well as difficulty swallowing.

What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

The most common factor related to sensitive teeth is gum recession. When the gum begins to recede, the tooths root becomes exposed, resulting in sensitivity. Other causes of sensitive teeth are toothbrush abrasion, periodontal therapy - treatment for periodontal disease, tooth decay or faulty restorations, excessive grinding or excessive bleaching.
Periodontitis And Lifestyle Changes

Periodontitis And Lifestyle Changes

Periodontitis can almost always be cured. Dedicated preventive routines, along with supplementation and necessary lifestyle changes, can allow your body to rid itself of the infection. Depending on how advanced the condition is you may need professional treatment ranging from maintenance visits to surgical therapies. In extremely advanced stages of the disease it may be impossible, requiring extraction of the teeth to rid the body of the chronic infection.
How Does Gum Disease Start And What Are The Signs?

How Does Gum Disease Start And What Are The Signs?

Reviewed by Ray Spotts

Gum disease is a fairly common condition that has many different facets and degrees. The beginning stage of gum disease - typically gingivitis - results in red or swollen gums. This usually happens when the health of your gums are not kept in good condition. Oral health is the most crucial part of preventing your gums from becoming vulnerable to outside forces and pesky bacteria. Here are some common things you should look out for that may indicate you are suffering from gum disease.

Types Of Periodontitis Treatments

Types Of Periodontitis Treatments

Seeing your dentist and hygienist every six months is the first step you should take in preventing periodontitis. During these routine-cleaning appointments they can remove any calculus deposits that harbor periodontitis-causing bacteria. They will also alert you to any areas of concern, allowing you to implement at-home steps to prevent the progression of the condition.
Prevent And Treat Dental Abscesses

Prevent And Treat Dental Abscesses

Dental abscesses tend to be pretty gross looking, but their presence is usually the body's way of building up a defense mechanism against a tooth infection. When your tooth is badly infected, it could potentially lead to complications if the infection spreads to your blood stream. An abscess forms to prevent that from happening. The infection spreads to the layers of the tooth and gums if it isn't properly treated.
How To Prevent Periodontitis

How To Prevent Periodontitis

Reviewed by Ray Spotts

Did you know that preventing periodontitis is the primary concern of your dental hygienist? There is a reason that she is always nagging her patients to brush and floss each day. Periodontitis begins as gingivitis, and if the symptoms arent addressed early on they can easily result in damaging consequences. In order to prevent periodontitis you must have exceptional oral hygiene, and reassess what you are already doing to ensure youre doing it the right way. Here we will review everything your hygienist wants you to know about preventing the invasive dental disease known as periodontitis.

Receding Gums Remedies And Lifestyle Changes

Receding Gums Remedies And Lifestyle Changes

When youre trying to reverse receding gums, the important part is to know how to stop receding gums. There are natural options available that can promote oral health by aiding in the destruction of harmful bacteria and creating an overall healthier environment. The use of herbal supplements and remedies can create that healthier oral environment that promotes gum attachment levels. Many essential oils can be used on a toothbrush or in a glass of water to use as a mouth rinse.
Oral Thrush In Babies

Oral Thrush In Babies

The bacteria can be spread. You should change out your toothbrush. Infants with thrush should have pacifiers and bottle nipples sterilized or replaced. Most oral thrush infections should go away within two weeks. Oral thrush is a yeast infection due to an imbalance of natural flora or bacteria in the mouth. Typically the infection is due to lack of adequate hygiene or a compromised immune system, allowing the bacteria to infect the area.
How To Treat Sore Gums

How To Treat Sore Gums

Reviewed by Ray Spotts

Sore gums are typically caused by bacteria in the mouth, which cause gum inflammation, redness, swelling and soreness. Early on this is known as gingivitis, but it can develop into serious gum disease. Because sore gums are usually related to gum infections you should treat sore gums the same way that you would when you're treating gingivitis.

Loose Tooth Treatment Methods

Loose Tooth Treatment Methods

Most treatments for loose teeth come at a great cost, with hundreds of dollars spent on deep cleanings, bone grafting and gum grafting in order to save a single tooth. Extractions are reserved for the most severely loose teeth, which then require tooth replacement with appliances such as dental implants, which can cost over a thousand dollars. Response to therapy is normally evident within the first year after treatment. Teeth with mobility typically do not respond to treatment as well as teeth infected with periodontal disease that exhibit no mobility.


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