Oral Care - Researched Articles on the Latest in Oral Care News

Swollen Gums: The Signs, Symptoms And Dangers

Swollen Gums: The Signs, Symptoms And Dangers

Red, swollen gums may have a red spot on the gums or generalized redness along the margin of the gum lines near the teeth. Significant, obvious redness is typical of underlying infections that have triggered a severe immune response.
Loose Teeth: Progression, Dangers And Prevention

Loose Teeth: Progression, Dangers And Prevention

Loose teeth are a sign that there are underlying health conditions. Periodontal disease causes loose teeth and is also associated with heart attack, stroke, diabetes and other systemic health conditions.
Can Human Teeth Reveal Clues To Evolution And Migration?

Can Human Teeth Reveal Clues To Evolution And Migration?

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

In 2016, the researchers first established that dentine the material that forms the bulk of the tooth carries a permanent record of vitamin D deficiency, or rickets. During periods of severe deficiency, new layers of dentine cannot mineralize, leaving microscopic markers scientists can read like rings of a tree.
Signs And Symptoms Of Gum Infections

Signs And Symptoms Of Gum Infections

Gum infections are related to systemic diseases. The poorer your oral health is, the more likely you are to have severe forms of other health conditions. Likewise, the healthier your mouth is, the more you are to have control of systemic diseases that you are also battling.
Gum Disease Dangers And Health Risks

Gum Disease Dangers And Health Risks

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Having gum disease doesn't just affect the way your teeth look or feel, it can also make you more likely to suffer from severe health conditions in other parts of your body. Research shows a direct correlation in the severity of your gum disease and the severity of other health conditions.

Gingivitis Treatments And Home Remedies

Gingivitis Treatments And Home Remedies

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Gingivitis symptoms may go away for a while, but that does not necessarily mean they will not come back. Furthermore, many of the commonly used prescription mouth rinses will cause significant staining on the teeth if used for more than two or three weeks. For these reasons and more, its best to use a mouthrinse that does not contain alcohol and is also effective at destroying gingivitis-causing bacteria.
Study: Oral Health Key To Understanding Humanity's Past

Study: Oral Health Key To Understanding Humanity's Past

Anthropologists have long held that Neolithic humans transitioning thousands of years ago from hunting and gathering to farm-based diets often suffered from tooth decay and gum disease. This contributed to suggestions that humans are better off with a wild-food-based diet as opposed to one where staples might be foods like corn or potatoes.
Gum Disease Signs, Symptoms And Stages

Gum Disease Signs, Symptoms And Stages

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

A combination of signs and symptoms may be present, depending on what severity of gum disease you have. Typically the early signs of gingivitis involve minor irritation such as bleeding or swelling of your gums.

Periodontitis Stages And Types

Periodontitis Stages And Types

Generalized periodontitis affects several areas throughout the mouth. It may be a more mild form or can be generalized aggressive periodontitis.
Mapping A Path To Better Oral Health

Mapping A Path To Better Oral Health

Heaton wants to spread resources about good oral health, not only to combat tooth decay but also because oral health is intertwined with other health concerns. "Sugar-sweetened beverage [consumption is] something that we are very interested in, not only because it is a huge risk factor for oral health outcomes, but it is also a huge risk factor for obesity and other obesity-related health conditions," she says.
Signs And Symptoms Of Receding Gums

Signs And Symptoms Of Receding Gums

Receding gums can really sneak up on you if you are not careful. Typically gum recession is a very slow process that may not be noticeable at first, until you begin to see the roots of the teeth. Your dentist measures gum recession in millimeters and even two millimeters of attachment loss is significant.
Gum Disease Causes

Gum Disease Causes

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Do you know what causes gum disease? In order to understand the factors that contribute to gum disease, it is important to first understand the anatomy of the tooth, and how the gums relate to it.



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