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A Powerful Skin Aid: Frankincense Oil

A Powerful Skin Aid: Frankincense Oil

Reviewed by Ray Spotts

Our skin is a wondrous, multi faceted part of our body. As the outer layer that protects and guards the rest of our organs and insides from the outside elements and hazards, it has a pretty tough job because ultimately it is the first line of defense. The skin is easily affected by everything. It is affected from the inside out and the outside in so finding an item that helps your skin in many different ways is of paramount importance. Frankincense oil is just the thing to do that. The oil is extracted from resin found in the Olibanum or Frankincense trees that have been found in ancient parts of Egypt. Here are all the ways it helps improve the state of your skin.

The Advantages Of Multifaceted Lavender Oil

The Advantages Of Multifaceted Lavender Oil

One of the most versatile essential oils in the world is lavender oil. It's proper, scientific name is lavandula augustifolia. It has amazing qualities and effects on the body, one that is most readily known is that of relaxation. It has incredibly potent therapeutic qualities. Though this is what it is known for, there are so many other ways that this oil can be used.
Good Ol' Tea Tree Oil

Good Ol' Tea Tree Oil

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

A very popular and effective essential oil is named melaleuca, which is better known as tea tree oil. This oil is a fantastic aid for a myriad of issues. It is a well-known antiseptic and can be a great line of defense for different types of wounds. It is an incredibly potent oil that has been known to be a powerful force against many fungi, bacteria and viruses.
Does Mens Skin Cancer Knowledge Lag Behind Womens?

Does Mens Skin Cancer Knowledge Lag Behind Womens?

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Skin cancer can affect anyone, regardless of age, race or gender. When it comes to skin cancer prevention and detection, however, it seems that men need to brush up on their knowledge.

Mustard Oil Benefits

Mustard Oil Benefits

Also known as sarson ka tel, mustard seed is an ingredient that is found in most Indian kitchens. The grinding of the seeds into a paste that is then transferred into an oil via distillation is the process that the oil goes through. It is a staple as an oil that is heart healthy and nourishing to the body in many different ways. However, this isn't the only way that this oil can be used. It has a whole host of uses as a hearty and fatty vegetable oil that comes from mustard seeds.
What Triggers Psoriasis?

What Triggers Psoriasis?

The skin condition psoriasis is still not fully understood. What we do know is that it is directly related to the immune system and how that influences the production of skin cells on the body. There is a T cell, which when it works properly, helps to fight off bacteria and viruses. Those who suffer from psoriasis have T cells that attack healthy skin cells, which causes the skin to show effects of the dilation of blood vessels that cause plaque on the skin. This is essentially what causes the skin to look how it does. When new skin cells transfer to the outermost layer of the skin too rapidly, dead skin and white blood cells gather and cause the skin breakouts.
The Benefits Of Caraway Oil

The Benefits Of Caraway Oil

This essential oil is derived directly from the caraway plant, its namesake. It comes from the caraway seed which is very aromatic and flavorful. There are many ways in which this essential oil can be used to treat and even prevent certain health issues. While it is used as a flavoring agent for many different foods such as bread, pickles, meat, and cheese, it is also incorporated into specific skincare, hygiene and cosmetic items. The properties that are present in this oil are tenfold. It is an astringent, antiseptic, carminative, expectorant, diuretic, disinfectant and tonic.
How Is Coffee Essential Oil Good For You?

How Is Coffee Essential Oil Good For You?

Reviewed by Ray Spotts

While there is much debate about the health properties and effectiveness of coffee, something less conflicting is coming out of many studies and personal anecdotes that talks about how amazing the oil is. There are many different ways that coffee essential oil can provide you with sensational health benefits you may not already be privy to. Extracted from the coffea arabica tree, the beans have many components that can benefit specific areas of your health. Here are the most prominent.

Different Types Of Aroma Lamps For Essential Oils

Different Types Of Aroma Lamps For Essential Oils

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

More and more people are learning about the amazing benefits of essential oils. While all oils aren't created equal, each option brings with it its own set of benefits and strengths.

Do You Know How To Detect When Most Common Skin Cancer Turns Dangerous?

Do You Know How To Detect When Most Common Skin Cancer Turns Dangerous?

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Most basal cell skin cancers are easily removed -- those on the arm, leg or back. But when the cancer is on the eyelid or when it starts to invade surrounding tissue, it's no longer straightforward.

How Agarwood Oil Is Effective

How Agarwood Oil Is Effective

Reviewed by Ray Spotts.

Certain essential oils have prominent benefits that aren't widely known. There is a preponderance of oils that could potentially help with a myriad of issues - except you may not be privy to their existence. This is likely the case with a rare oil called agarwood oil which is derived from a tree of the same name. The tree is usually found in Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam. The tree produces a deep colored resin, which is the part that is then transformed into oil.

Cypress Essential Oil Benefits

Cypress Essential Oil Benefits

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

This specific oil comes from the needly bearing tree whose name is cupressus sempervierns. The tree is considered an evergreen that has rounded, small, wood-like cones. It is an incredibly fragrant and powerful plant whose oil has the ability to ward off infections, eliminate toxins from the body, improve the respiratory system and can be used to help quell anxiety and nervousness. The oils properties are naturally antispasmodic, stimulating, antibacterial and antiseptic. Here are some of its most pressing benefits.



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