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What Causes Halitosis?

What Causes Halitosis?

Halitosis can be a direct result of odor-inducing microbes that gather between the teeth and on gums. While this type of bacteria is incredibly normal, those with poor hygiene become more susceptible to the effects of the odor, thus causing breath to smell sour. This happens because of the particles that are present in our food and drinks that often gets stuck in our mouth. Simply rinsing out your mouth after every meal can help to eliminate stray pieces of food that sometimes gets stuck.
Bad Breath Signs, Symptoms, Dangers And Health Risks

Bad Breath Signs, Symptoms, Dangers And Health Risks

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Bad breath can progress from a temporary problem to a chronic condition that is difficult to reverse. Many people believe they can simply treat the condition topically with the use of mints or gums, but avoiding halitosis will allow the underlying condition to progress until the cause is identified. If bad breath is due to the development of gum disease, not treating the condition properly can result in severe bone destruction and the loss of teeth.

What Causes Halitosis?

What Causes Halitosis?

Halitosis is the clinical term for the condition otherwise known as bad breath. Bad breath can cause someone to become self-conscious, inhibit their personal relationships in social and professional settings, or be a sign of an underlying health condition.


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