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Avoid Stress With These Tips
Reviewed By Ray Spotts
The way you live your life can affect the level of stress that you carry. Its much easier said than done, but finding a balance to your work, personal, and family life can be the key that unlocks the door to peace for many. Look at how you spend your time daily and find what really matters and what doesn't. Also be sure that you get enough sleep, because that's when your body recharges and recovers from daily stress.

Stay Awake At Work...Naturally
Take A Breather
Deep breaths raise your body's blood oxygen levels, which can help increase your energy and alertness by lowering blood pressure and slowing your heart rate. The idea is to breathe deeply into your belly, not your chest. While sitting upright, inhale slowly through your nose and feel your abdomen push out, then exhale slowly through your mouth. Alternatively, a method used for quick energy in yoga calls for quick inhaling and exhaling through your nose while your mouth is closed. It is recommended to take 3 of these rapid br...