5 Tips And Tricks To Avoid Wrinkles

Trusted Health Products

Written By McKenzie Jones / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Time is the biggest enemy to the skin. Whether you are in your thirties and have just started seeing some of the signs of aging, or you are well in your fifties with skin that is no longer great at keeping your age a secret, looking for ways in which you can slow down or reduce wrinkling might be high up on your checklist.

As much as we know that wrinkling is an inevitable process that occurs as we age, there are several ways in which you can help reduce premature skin aging. Several people experience premature wrinkling because they do not know how to take care of their skin from adverse weather and health effects.

Here are a few tips and tricks that can help you avoid premature wrinkles.

Protect your skin from the sun at any cost

Whether you are running a few errands or spending the entire day at the beach, sun protection is crucial. It is a known fact that the sun is among the top reasons which cause wrinkling to the face, as well as the hands and feet. You should therefore avoid being under direct sunlight as much as possible.

This means seeking shelter under shade, wearing caps and wide-brimmed hats, adopting clothing with long sleeves, and getting sunglasses with UV protection. It is also important that you invest in sunscreen with a wide spectrum, specifically SPF 30 and above, as well as one that is water-resistant.

Make sure that you apply sunscreen on the parts of your skin which are not covered with clothing every day, even on days you are not planning to leave the house.

Eat a well-balanced diet

What you put in your body oftentimes translates to how you will look. If you are eating foods packed with multiple unhealthy calories, then you might start to notice your face breaking out. This reasoning works the same with wrinkles.

Eating plenty of fruits and leafy vegetables may prevent the damage that leads to wrinkling. It is also advisable that you substitute drinks with high sugar content with healthier fluids such as water or freshly squeezed fruit juices. For protein, you can opt to go for soy or salmon which is packed with omega-3 that is a great building block for great skin.

Be intentional with your skincare

There are multiple products that you should incorporate into your skincare routine to avoid and reduce those premature wrinkles. A simple moisturizer can do wonders for your skin. Moist skin helps with camouflaging skin that has creases and lines.

Dry skin is the number one enemy to anyone looking to reduce wrinkles. It is also advisable to add a 15 tca chemical peel into your skincare checklist which works by removing the outer layers of the epidermis and dermis and reverses the visible signs of aging.

Reduce your smoking and alcohol intake

Alcohol is rough on the skin as it dehydrates and in time damages the condition of the skin. This in turn makes someone look far much older than they truly are. This goes the same way with smoking which gives a dull, sallow complexion. This is visible in long-term smokers as it speeds up how quickly the skin ages.

Get an adequate amount of sleep

Getting enough rest will aid your body in producing the human growth hormone which helps keep the skin elastic and thick. When you do not get enough sleep, your body produces a hormone that breaks down skin cells. It is also known that sleeping in certain positions leads to “sleep lines,” which are wrinkles that appear when you are sleeping and do not disappear after waking up. It is therefore recommended that you sleep on your back.

Making a lifestyle change is one of the main ways in which you can reduce wrinkling. And from the above tips, you do not need to do anything drastic to keep your youthful face intact. There are new non-invasive treatments that can help smoothen out your wrinkles, tighten your skin and drastically improve your complexion as well as your confidence.

Looking for 100% chemical-free, all-natural nourishing face and body oils? Check out Earth & Elm Nourishing Face Oil and Earth & Elm Nourishing Body OilSubscribe to our Trusted Health Club newsletter for more information about natural living tipsnatural healthoral care, skincare, body care and foot care. If you are looking for more health resources check out the Trusted Health Resources list

Written By:

McKenzie Jones is your typical Midwestern gal. When she is not writing or reading, she can be found training for her next half-marathon, baking something sweet, playing her guitar, or cuddled up with her golden retriever, Cooper. She loves watching football, fall weather, and long road trips.

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com. 

Photo by Ana Essentiels on Unsplash

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