How Much Protein Do You Need?

Trusted Health Products

Written By Finnegan Pierson / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

It is hard to navigate social media feeds and search engines without seeing articles about nutrition. Some revolve around specific diets, such as Keto, while others generalize dietary needs. The scientific community has many ideas about what makes or breaks the proper diet.

Carb and fat intake is the usual target of weight loss advertisements since their effects on the body can result in negative consequences. One part of the average diet is protein. This less-controversial dietary element is also one of the most crucial to the body. Find out more about what impact protein has and how much may be sufficient to consume on a daily basis.

The Basic Function of Protein in the Body

Protein is essential to the body. This is due to the fact that proteins are responsible for cell growth. Protein is composed of amino acids, the building blocks of the body. Protein is also a necessary component in bone growth and muscle development. However, there is much more that protein is responsible for inside the body. It plays a crucial part in body functions such as:

  • Cell repair
  • Energy
  • Immunity
  • Blood cell creation
  • Metabolic functions

People get most of the protein they need by consuming a well-balanced diet. Supplementing with shakes and powder may prove beneficial for those seeking to increase their muscle mass. Checking high impact whey protein reviews can narrow the field of contenders for getting additional protein in the diet.

Protein and Building Muscles

Bodybuilders and athletes rely on protein to help gain strength. Protein is an essential part of muscle development and sustainment. Not all muscles are created equal, meaning that some areas of the body are more prone to growth and development than others. However, building muscles takes more than just increasing the amount of protein consumed.

Athletes learn how to balance the other macronutrients in their diet best to get the best fuel for muscles. Muscle growth for those who are not elite athletes is also beneficial. Those people with more muscles tend to burn fat at a higher rate. Unlike cardio workouts that stop burning calories as soon as the activity is terminated, the benefits of weight training continue long after the dumbbells are dropped.

Muscle growth helps facilitate the circulation of oxygenated blood to the site, which, in turn, helps to keep the metabolism revved up. People who incorporate weights into their regular exercise routine see a higher rate of a caloric burn than those who just perform cardio.

How Energy Levels Are Impacted by protein

The word metabolism is associated with weight loss, but it means so much more than that. This body process is responsible for breaking down food and making it into energy for fuel. The food and beverages consumed contain calories that become the bedrock upon which the body draws to give it energy.

Protein is part of the metabolic process. It helps with the breaking down of food and then transports it to various body systems. When a person eats too many calories, the extra is stashed away for when the body needs it. This is how fat deposits are created. Ridding the body of excess fat consists of a healthy diet and exercise regime that ensures the calories expended are greater than what is consumed.

Calculating the Protein the Body Needs

There are some basic guidelines to how much protein the body needs every day to thrive. On average, a person should get up to 35 percent of calories every day from protein-rich foods. This figure will vary based on activity level, age, weight and gender. However, those who are very active will need to consume more calories on average than someone who is mostly sedentary.

This would also increase the amount of protein the more active person eats versus the one who is not. Elite athletes or those looking to build muscle mass need to double their protein intake daily.

Protein performs many crucial functions in the body. Getting the proper amount may make it easier to stay in shape.

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Written By:

Finnegan Pierson loves business and has a passion for Health and technology. Even more interesting is the combination of the two. As a freelance writer, Finn hopes to influence others so they can have positive life experiences.

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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