6 Things To Try If Diets Don't Work For You

Trusted Health Products

Written By Sheryl Wright / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

There probably isn't a person on the planet who hasn't tried at least one diet to attempt to melt away the pounds. It can be so frustrating because most meal plans out there do not work for the long term, some are almost impossible to stay on, and other diets have zero science backing them up.

You want real results with a strategy that makes sense no matter how many or how few pounds you want to lose. Our nutritional experts are sharing some excellent advice on what you can try if diets don't work for you.

1. Ditch The Scale

Say what? We're being totally honest. There are folks who weigh themselves several times a day and freak out when the numbers aren't showing any progress. Instead of jumping on the scale, use a different approach and refrain from putting pressure on yourself when it comes to food and the choices you make.

Stay on "healthy mode," and begin by focusing on better digestion, for instance. Take an interest in your blood and lab reports to see how cholesterol is doing, etc. See where you can make small but key improvements.

2. Try Out New Recipes

When you and your family are cooking at home, you know exactly what ingredients are going into your meals. It's fine to order food from your favorite restaurant once in a while, but these delivered meals can contain a surplus of calories, fat, sodium, etc.

By trying out new recipes in your kitchen, you can create nutritious and tasty meals that benefit your individual lifestyle and the types of food you enjoy. One amazing way to do this is by joining the 90 day body transformation program. These experts can design a weekly nutrition plan for you that focuses on eating real food without fad diets or factory-made supplements.

3. Sit Down At The Table

We know - this sounds silly, but enjoying a meal with your loved ones or partner or friends can help you connect more effectively. A healthy meal that is flavorful brings people together. You're not worrying about how much of this or that you can eat, and those rigid, annoying diet rules go out the window. Seeing food as nourishment, joy, and fuel for the body is one way to develop a great attitude of daily eating.

4. Redefine Exercise/Movement

We all know that diet alone does not create a healthy lifestyle. Exercise or movement is also essential for the body, mind, and soul. Some psychologists advise looking at exercise in a new way. Instead of thinking that you have to do it, change it up.

Exercise because it feels good, and do not think of moving the body only for calories and weight loss. Find a sport or activity that gets you moving that you like, and have fun playing and exploring. Make physical activity a part of your regular routine.

5. You're Fab - Accept Yourself

It doesn't matter what size you are. When you use self-loathing and shame where you're concerned, it's the wrong way to go. Accepting and loving who we are isn't always easy to do. It takes time, but it's worth it. Beating yourself up because you cannot fit into a celebrity size two is ridiculous. We are all unique individuals. Treat your body with kindness and respect.

6. Buy Clothes That Feel Good On

Here's another thing you can try if diets don't work out for you.

Look at your wardrobe. It's fun to buy clothing that accentuates our figures. The only main rule here is to buy garments that fit. That is important for every shape and size out there. When your clothes fit beautifully, you look great, you're comfortable, and can walk along with self-confidence. We all have different tastes in style, and clothing allows us to freely express ourselves.

There is so much obsession about diets and how society says we're supposed to look. That is overwhelming for any person at any age. Your self-worth is not defined by your waist size, and diets can create stress and a bad attitude. Become body-positive and carve out your own nutritional path. You've got this!

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Written By:

Sheryl Wright is a freelance writer who specializes in digital marketing, inclusive business, and interior design. If she is not at home reading, she is at a farmers market or climbing in the Rockies. She currently lives in Nashville, TN, with her cat, Saturn.

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

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