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Sugar And Inflammation: What You're Eating Can Harm You

Trusted Health Products

It has become abundantly clear to so many that what we put in our bodies can negatively or positively impact them. The cause and effect symmetry that is pertinent to our diets and our health has been obfuscated by inaccurate information for years. While trans fats, processed foods and fast food is historically unhealthy, the food industry sold a bag of goods when they purported that fat is bad and makes people fat. This is incorrect as fat alone does not do that. The real enemy is sugar. What happens when we consume too much sugar is that our inflammation receptors are activated. 

While our body is trying to properly absorb the nutrients of the meal, it's also trying to thwart off bacteria. That natural process is made more difficult when massive amounts of sugar are in the way. This means that the body is then faced with the challenge of distributing ingested glucose and ridding the system of the bacteria simultaneously. This conflict is what often promotes inflammation. Doctors from the University Hospital Basel have conducted a study on how this conflict is directly related to inflammation and how, in individuals who struggle with their weight, can lead to diabetes.

Weight And Diabetes

Diabetes has many unsavory health implications that shouldn't be ignored of shirked. The presence of adult-onset diabetes is almost exclusively the result of weight issues and this can lead to widespread inflammation that becomes chronic after awhile. This then becomes an issue as it causes insulin-producing beta cells to stop functioning properly and eventually die off. For those who are a healthy weight, the inflammation isn't all bad. Mostly because it happens on a short-term basis, as that type of sugar uptake lasts a much shorter amount of time and can even help in activating the immune system.

The research found that the number of immune cells that exist around the intestines naturally increase when a person is eating. They are also referred to as scavenger cells. The glucose in the blood then has to be managed by the insulin that the pancreas provides. The substances that the cells contain - called IL-1beta - help to regulate blood sugar along with the insulin naturally produced. For those who have diabetes, this process isn't simple and it's effectively thwarted because insulin production is very low. This is what can cause inflammation and then lead to other more serious health concerns if not properly addressed and treated.

Metabolism And The Immune System

The metabolism and the immune system itself and the way that it functions or struggles is directly impacted by this occurrence. The nutrients and bacteria that are ingested with meals can often come against the glucose level and insulin sometimes can't manage it the way it should. Inflammation is then the result. Many people aren't aware of the extreme correlation between sugar and inflammation. Sugar is one of the greatest threats to health in this country but so many continue to focus on fat or meat or diary. Although everyone isn't the same and some people do react poorly to these other options, sugar is the only one that is habit forming.

This is why it's so essential to be mindful about what you eat and what's in the things you consume. Sugar is such a palette gratifier that it's literally in everything - things like tomato soup, bread and fruit. If you have issues with noticeable inflammation, cut sugar out of your diet.

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Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.


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