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The Link Between Periodontal And Cerebrovascular Diseases

The Link Between Periodontal And Cerebrovascular Diseases

Additional research is needed to understand this link. It is hypothesized that periodontitis leads to systemic inflammation and, as a result, the health of the blood vessels could be affected. On the other hand, chronic periodontitis and lacunar infarct may share common vascular risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol.
Vitamin D Deficiency  The Teeth Tell The Story

Vitamin D Deficiency The Teeth Tell The Story

The team of anthropologists has determined that looking into the microscopic structure of teeth opens a window into the lives and challenges of people who lived hundreds of years ago, and whose only record is their skeletal remains. Their paper, published online in the Journal of Archaeological Science, establishes that when the body is deprived of vitamin D, permanent microscopic abnormalities form in the layers of dentin - the tooth structure under the enamel - creating an ongoing record that can later be read like the rings of a tree.
Loose Tooth Pain

Loose Tooth Pain

As you grow older, you'll notice that certain things about your body will start to change and shift. One of those things will likely be the state of your mouth and the teeth within it. A myriad of factors like poor oral hygiene and lessened bone strength can attribute to a loose tooth or multiple teeth that become loose. This can be a frightening thing for people to go through as no adult wants to lose their teeth. There is also an amount of discomfort that often accompanies loose teeth.
Myrrh For Gums

Myrrh For Gums

Myrrh oil has powerful antiseptic and astringent qualities that promote healing and help to ease pain. It is suggested for those who experience any type of gum irritation or soreness. Myrrh comes from a bush indigenous to Africa. There isn't a need for a large amount of the substance as a little goes a long way.
Coconut Oil And Gum Disease

Coconut Oil And Gum Disease

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Maintaining the proper level of oral health is crucial to not just your mouth but your overall health as well. When you ensure that you are taking the necessary steps to protect your teeth and gums - through diligent and purposeful flossing, brushing and rinsing - you are saving yourself from a potential issue and from money going down the drain. However, the standard way to care for your teeth is shifting and getting a bit of a makeover. While the standard practices are still necessary, there are newer ways you can protect the health of your mouth and gums.
Tonsil Stones: What Are They And What Can You Do About Them?

Tonsil Stones: What Are They And What Can You Do About Them?

The medical term for this affliction is called tonsilloiths. These little nuisances can be a real pain because they gather very easily in the crevices and pockets of the tonsils. What's interesting is that they can still occur even after the tonsils are removed. The tonsil is a very sensitive thing and when it is filled with food, dead skin cells, mucus and bacteria it becomes a great place for tonsil stones to grow and populate.
The Link Between Oral Bacteria And Esophageal Cancer

The Link Between Oral Bacteria And Esophageal Cancer

Porphyromonas gingivalis is present in 61 percent of patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). The findings, published recently in Infectious Agents and Cancer, only detected P. gingivalis in 12 percent of tissues adjacent to the cancerous cells, while this organism was undetected in normal esophageal tissue.
How To Treat Inflamed Gums

How To Treat Inflamed Gums

Reviewed by Ray Spotts

We've all been there. While we are brushing or flossing our teeth, we see a little bit of pink in the sink or on the string. While a bit of bleeding can sometimes be considered normal, if you are bleeding from your gums pretty regularly or you start to experience discomfort or gums that hurt, you need to act immediately. The importance of our teeth is evident, but by extension the importance of our gums is equally so. In the event that you do start to experience tender or irritated gums, you need to take the proper steps to prevent further issues from occurring.

Aching Gums  The Signs And Treatments

Aching Gums The Signs And Treatments

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

There's nothing as annoying as uncomfortable and aching gums. They can make it difficult to talk, to eat or even to clean your teeth properly. But what do they mean? If you have really sensitive gums, you may have already figured out how to deal with them the best you can, but that's no way to go through life. You want to be able to talk, eat and drink the way everyone else does without worrying about the pain emitting from your gums. One of the most common causes of painful gums is lack of proper oral hygiene. If you experience increased redness of the gums, pain, blisters or bleeding, you're going to need to take some precautions.

Eliminate Candida

Eliminate Candida

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Candida is incredibly common and most people have some form of it. The problem however lies in the overgrowth of candida that can occur. The excess of candida can lead to many health issues, and if they aren't properly addressed, they will only compound and perhaps trigger other health concerns.

Canker Sores: An Irritating Nuisance

Canker Sores: An Irritating Nuisance

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

We've all experienced that little annoyance in the mouth that doesn't feel quite right. You'll be eating or talking and your tongue or teeth will brush up against a tender spot in your mouth. What you're experiencing is a canker sore. This is a painful raised sore that can disrupt even the most ordinary actions. 

The Link Between Oral Health And The Rate Of Cognitive Decline

The Link Between Oral Health And The Rate Of Cognitive Decline

Some studies found that oral health measures such as the number of teeth, the number of cavities, and the presence of periodontal disease - also known as gum disease - were associated with an increased risk of cognitive decline or dementia, while other studies were unable to confirm any association.


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