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Tooth Loss Increases The Risk Of Diminished Cognitive Function

Tooth Loss Increases The Risk Of Diminished Cognitive Function

The increase of cognitive impairment and its pathologic correlates, such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease, in aging populations is progressing worldwide and creating a significant burden on health systems. Better insight into the nature and extent of the association between oral health and cognitive function is of great importance since it could lead to preventive interventions for cognitive performance. Therefore, the objective of this review was to systematically examine if tooth loss leads to cognitive impairment and its most prevalent pathologic correlate (dementia).
Loose Teeth: What Causes Them?

Loose Teeth: What Causes Them?

Those who are suffering from loose teeth may have ignored prior signs that they have a gum condition, which is caused by bacterial biofilm, called periodontal disease. This causes inflammation in the gums and destroys all supporting structures of the teeth, more specifically the bone.
Loose Tooth Pain

Loose Tooth Pain

As you grow older, you'll notice that certain things about your body will start to change and shift. One of those things will likely be the state of your mouth and the teeth within it. A myriad of factors like poor oral hygiene and lessened bone strength can attribute to a loose tooth or multiple teeth that become loose. This can be a frightening thing for people to go through as no adult wants to lose their teeth. There is also an amount of discomfort that often accompanies loose teeth.


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