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How To Prevent Bleeding Gums

How To Prevent Bleeding Gums

Reviewed by Ray Spotts

Bleeding gums are not normal. When your gums bleed it is a sign that there is an underlying condition such as infection or disease. If your gums bleed when you brush or floss your teeth, it typically means that you are not removing all of the bacteria on a regular (daily) basis and it has resulted in a gum infection.

Tonsil Stones: What Are They And What Can You Do About Them?

Tonsil Stones: What Are They And What Can You Do About Them?

The medical term for this affliction is called tonsilloiths. These little nuisances can be a real pain because they gather very easily in the crevices and pockets of the tonsils. What's interesting is that they can still occur even after the tonsils are removed. The tonsil is a very sensitive thing and when it is filled with food, dead skin cells, mucus and bacteria it becomes a great place for tonsil stones to grow and populate.
Bandages For Canker Sores

Bandages For Canker Sores

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

You can feel it coming - that slight burning sensation in your mouth that means a canker sore is on its way. Canker sores, also called oral or mouth ulcers, are annoying and painful. There are few good treatments, so most people are left waiting them out. And as they occur three or four times per year, on average, and last up to a week, people can spend a month out of every year impacted.

Periodontitis Treatments

Periodontitis Treatments

One of the helpful things about experiencing gum issues is that they usually occur in stages. If you are careful and diligent enough, when you start to see symptoms of gum disease or gingivitis, you can incorporate certain practices to prevent further damage.
Toothpaste Ingredient Hardens Your Teeth While You Sleep

Toothpaste Ingredient Hardens Your Teeth While You Sleep

The new BioMinF toothpaste ingredient provides a new tooth repair technology which will bring relief to the millions of adults and children around the world who are prone to tooth decay and sensitivity.


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