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Managing Arthritic Pain In Older Individuals

Trusted Health Products

It is no surprise that as we get older, our bodies morph and change in ways we haven't previously experienced. This is no more truer than in the instance of physical health conditions. These tend to compound and get worse as time goes on. This is certainly the case in one particular study that identified certain specifics regarding arthritis in older sufferers. The pain and inflammation that comes with arthritis can be very cumbersome and difficult to deal with - especially in cases where lack of mobility and function can impede necessary tasks. A recent study has found that even the most basic physical activity can help to keep the body functional.

Arthritis Study

The aging population feels and deals with more aches and pains than its younger counterparts. This is normally due to aging bodies being more susceptible to issues that may arise. One very common health issue is that of arthritis that typically affects joints like the knees, hips and hands. This condition can be incredibly painful and can make even the most mundane tasks very challenging. A study conducted at Northwestern University showed that even a simple 45-minute session of physical activity can improve the function of lower arthritic limbs by up to 80 percent.

An object at rest, stays at rest. An object in motion, stays in motion. This is a very popular saying that gives much credence to this studys findings. It stands to reason that a body which exhibits a certain level of movement would more easily access similar movements and functions overall. One simple 45-minute session of physical activity is actually one-third of the recommended amount of weekly activity. Yet, this study has shown that it does wonders for those struggling with this sometimes debilitating condition.

Incorporating Physical Activity

The prospect of trying to get consistent exercise in as you get older can seem incredibly daunting, especially when you are dealing with a specific amount of pain and discomfort. The older participants that took part in this study found that adding just one simple, low-intensity physical activity to their weekly regimen improved their mobility in a noticeable manner. One-third of the participants found lasting positive change in their arthritic pain after two years of incorporating minimal physical activity into their weekly regimens. Something like brisk walking can help to sustain a certain level of high function within the joints that often have trouble functioning correctly.

A professor of rheumatology was asked about these findings and stated that even a little activity is better than none. There is often a misconception regarding needing to be physically active numerous times a week. This isn't necessarily needed. There can be great and positive strides taken by minimal effort and time spent. But the main contributing factor and takeaway that should be noted is that being active, even if only a short segmented period of time, will provide more benefits than you may think. Another really good point that the study made was that it's much more plausible and attainable to have a small goal of being active for a 45-minute period of time - especially considering it's a more tangible, doable goal in the face of certain discomfort.

Bump the consistency up to two times a week and even cardiovascular health is improved.

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Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.

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