Natural Health News - Stay Healthy, the Healthy Way

Heart News: Avocado Helps Lower 'Bad' Cholesterol For Healthy Benefits

Heart News: Avocado Helps Lower 'Bad' Cholesterol For Healthy Benefits

Reviewed by Ray Spotts

Eating one avocado a day may help keep "bad cholesterol" at bay, Penn State researchers claim. They say bad cholesterol can refer to both oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and small, dense LDL particles.

Healthy Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids And Lower Allergy Risk

Healthy Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids And Lower Allergy Risk

Reviewed by Ray Spotts.

This study presented information regarding the links between long chain omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids within the blood and how they can potentially thwart these conditions. It was shown that children who had high levels of these types of healthy fatty acids within their blood were less likely to develop these types of conditions by the age of 16. Even for those who did have the condition, when their levels were increased, they had a higher chance of being virtually symptom-free by the age of 16.

The Avocado: A Way To Thwart Metabolic Syndrome

The Avocado: A Way To Thwart Metabolic Syndrome

What's incredible about the avocado is that the peel, seed, leaves and flesh all have differing affects on metabolic syndrome. The amount of fatty acids, minerals, carotenoids and vitamins are exceptional across the board.


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