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Seasonal Health Tricks: Summer Edition

Trusted Health Products

With summer still in the air, it is only natural to feel a strong desire to get in shape and lose some of that unnecessary weight that has been bothering you for some time. Explore the various options summer brings you since not only are they an easy way to improve your health but also they can be as tasty as never before.

Exchange Heavy Foods For Light Meals

One of the greatest things about summer is that your organism naturally stops accumulating fat, as it does in the winter, and you do not have the same desire to eat heavier foods. Thus, do not force your body into the same rather winter-like routine and choose lighter meals instead. For instance, you can easily save some calories by eating fresh salad of seasonal vegetables without any dressing instead of pickled or defrosted ingredients with plenty of greasy sauce. For meat-eaters, summers are great for BBQs, which also potentially means less fat used to actually prepare the meat. Grilled chicken breasts instead of a heavy pork steak cooked with lots of oil that is one pleasant way to cut your calorie intake without too much effort. Vegetarians, too, can enjoy the BBQ season as grilled vegetables will not require that oil, either.

Green Light For Amazing Desserts

Do not say no to desserts during summer. Well, do not say no to the right desserts, of course. This is the time for you to experiment with fruit salads, yogurt shakes, and juice. All you need is a nice juicer or a blender, and some fruit. Not only can you discover some wonderful combination of fruit - and even vegetables; try putting some spinach in your banana-strawberry shake - but also boost your immune system and your energy reserves. It becomes simply too easy to exchange a quite heavy dinner into some slices of watermelon and a fruit shake. A secret revealed, just for the ones that cannot live without sugar: try putting some coconut milk into your desserts and shakes, it is one incredibly tasty Southeast Asian ingredient that can improve any meal, it seems.

Tastier Ways To Hydrate

Although hydration is important throughout the year, in the summer it is of extreme importance. If you do not like the idea of chugging bottles of water all day, try some simple tips to trick yourself. For instance, squeeze some lemon juice into your water bottle or add a mint leaf to it. Some people add a teaspoon of brown sugar and a lot of mint to their water bottles, which might be something you may like, too. Try these methods to see an experiment turn into a healthy habit over time. Hence, there are definitely ways to hydrate properly during summer that can also be used during other seasons.

Let's Get Started

One of the hidden joys of summer is precisely the ease and effortlessness with which you can jump into a healthier lifestyle that, hopefully, will carry on after summer is gone. Simply put some pieces of fruit into the blender and enjoy the delicious final product outdoors. Let that that be your guilt-free snack or, in bigger quantities, dinner. Less fat, more hydration and vitamins: the best news is everything is extremely tasty. Therefore, wait no more to start living more healthily.

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This is a post by Anita, a writer for She is a fashion enthusiast, a fitness guru, a healthy eater and an avid blogger. She is currently writing on behalf of

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Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at

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