How To Plan An All-Green Healthy Diet

Trusted Health Products

Written By Alison Pearson / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

The phrase all-green healthy diet perhaps sounds like a bit complicated concept to follow, but it isn't so. What does this concept mean, you're wondering? Green eating refers to consuming a sustainable and healthy diet that is beneficial both for you and the planet.  

Green diet is about eating foods that have low environmental impacts, providing healthy life both to present and future generations. So, it's also about making sure that our grandchildren can eat nutritious food as well. There are a few things we can do to eat and maintain an all-green healthy diet.

Even though many people claim that a healthy diet tends to cost considerably more, you can easily control the cost of a healthy diet with careful planning.

An all-green healthy diet starts with eating plenty of fresh fruits and veggies. It implies being moderate with meat consumption. Buying local food and/or growing your food are also great ways to ensure a green diet.

Moreover, when it comes to product choice, it's good to have the season in mind. And lastly, it's preferable to base your diet on water rather than on soft drinks, being better for both your body and health as well as the longevity of resources on our planet.

Eat your fruits and veggies

Switching to a greener diet means making fruits and vegetables a part of your every meal. Remember that 'eating your five-a-day keeps the doctor away.' It is not just merely a saying, but it is based on the fact that fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins, minerals and fiber. And these are all things we need to keep our body and mind healthy.

Vegetables of special importance include green vegetables i.e., leafy greens such as lettuce, spinach, kale and alike. They are rich in essential vitamins and minerals, including potassium, magnesium, iron, and vitamin C.

Fruits, on the other hand, provide us with fiber. If you live a hectic lifestyle and you don't have too much free time on your hands, what you can do is blend some fruits or veggies into an energy-boosting smoothie.

Buy local food

To help maintain sustainability when it comes to food production, and at the same time to provide your body with healthy food, you can buy local foods. It is an essential step in switching to a green diet. This kind of grocery shopping has plenty of benefits. For starters, the product you buy in that way is as fresh as it can be.

Also, if grown locally, it is in most cases organic, without any harmful pesticides. Moreover, you're minimizing your ecological footprint as you're not buying products that have travelled a long way to come to your area. Steer clear from pre-packed produce and instead go for local produce as it's more delicious and richer in nutrients.

Grow your food

Another thing you can do to ensure healthier and greener eating at your home is to grow your food. Of course, if you have a backyard or a garden. In that way, you can control the whole process and choose what you want to use to ensure the growing healthy and pesticide-free produce.

Nowadays, it is even easier to grow your garden with the emergence of hydroponic farming. So, anybody can grow a garden, even without extensive gardening knowledge.

Have the season in mind

That is something that we often overlook - eating seasonal fruits and vegetables. We are happy to see strawberries in supermarkets during winter. However, when we try them, we get disappointed as they don't taste as good as at the peak of their season, which is spring.

We are simply used to having everything available to us at every moment due to globalization. Having the season in mind is valuable when it comes to greening your diet up. Modifying your diet to be more seasonal is beneficial for your budget as well.

Be moderate with meat

Producing red meat and dairy products has been shown to generate the biggest amounts of carbon dioxide. So, by introducing some plant-based products to our diet, we can contribute to reducing our carbon footprint.

Moreover, when it comes to our health, consuming too much red meat can cause different health conditions such as bowel cancer, cholesterol, and heart disease. Reducing beef and lamb in your diet significantly reduces the carbon footprint.

Drink water instead of soft drinks

The production of soft and fizzy drinks is also a big factor in the level of greenhouse gases produced. Tap water, on the other hand, including preparing coffee and tea, generates the lowest greenhouse gases.

As opposed to water, to produce soft and fruit drinks, we need more energy, transport as well as pesticides. Healthwise, soft drinks have been connected to obesity and diabetes.

As you can see, switching to a green diet is not so complicated. It involves some simple steps we can all easily incorporate into our lifestyle.

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Written By:

Alison Pearson is an interior design student. She is a writer and designer, but her ultimate passion is fitness and health. She is also a bibliophile and her favorite book is "The Sound and the Fury" by William Faulkner. Follow her on Twitter.

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.

Photo by Anna Pelzer on Unsplash

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