Great Gifts To Boost Your Senior Loved One’s Health In 2021

Trusted Health Products
Written By Jason Lewis / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

The holidays are right around the corner, and you’re probably thinking about the gifts you’d like to get for your loved ones. When it comes to the seniors in your life, they may appreciate gifts that are not only personalized but will also enhance their health in the coming years. Perhaps it’s time to re-think what’s on their gift list this year by considering the following ideas:

Dental Health

It’s true, gifts and dental health aren’t exactly synonymous. Where seniors are concerned, however, gifts that promote their dental health might be just what they’re looking for because their dental care can be expensive. According to 1-800-Dentist, getting your loved one a dental gift card could go a long way to cutting down the cost of dental cleanings or other needed dental work. A great electric toothbrush could also be exactly what they need for their preventive dental care routine. Speaking of preventive care, consider gifting your loved one natural products like OraMD which acts as a toothpaste to kill bacteria and stave off gum disease.

Streaming Devices

With this gift, seniors can keep active at home by accessing the exercise programs that work for them, instead of paying expensive gym fees. You could go even further and pay for some of these streamed programs for them. There are a number of streaming devices worth comparing, each with different features and price points depending on what they come with. You can select a device that has ample storage space, for example, or choose one with outstanding picture quality. You should also consider the type of television that your loved one will be connecting the streaming device to as this may help to determine what’s best.

Mobility Aids

If your senior loved one is having trouble maintaining their balance or walking for more than a short distance, they may need a mobility aid. Mobility aids will reduce the likelihood of your loved one getting injured in a fall as well as allow them to keep active. When shopping around, Graying With Grace suggests choosing something that is in line with your senior’s needs. Canes usually work well for seniors who are only dealing with a slight loss of balance. Walkers may be a better fit for a senior who needs full-body support. Scooters can be an excellent option for seniors who don’t have the upper body strength to operate a manual wheelchair but would still like to get around.

Wellness And Relaxation

Keeping your senior loved one healthy doesn’t stop with physical activity - their overall wellness is important, too. Weighted blankets have been shown to help older adults get better sleep by reducing their anxiety and cutting down on restless leg syndrome. You can do your research to find the blanket that best fits your loved one’s needs. Another thing that can help them relax is a senior-friendly tablet that they can use to play games online or access helpful apps. This can help your loved one keep their brain young, which has a positive effect on mental health. A good tablet can also help you and your loved one stay in touch if they live elsewhere and you can’t visit as often as you’d like.

As the gift-giving season rolls around, give your senior loved ones presents that will help them enjoy their golden years even more by keeping them healthy for longer. Now it’s easier to step away from generic gifts because you have a range of options that can fit any budget and satisfy your loved one’s needs.

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Written By:

Jason Lewis is a personal trainer who specializes in helping senior citizens stay fit and healthy. He is also the primary caretaker of his mom after her surgery. He writes for Strong Well and enjoys creating fitness programs that cater to the needs of people over 65.

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at

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