Breathe Easy: 7 Ways To Create An Asthma-Friendly Home And Reduce Triggers

Trusted Health Products

Written By Ciara Perkins / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

In case you do not know, your house carries many allergens like dust, mites and pet dander. This may seem like an issue you can overlook, but it is not the same thing when you or your family has asthma.

Luckily, you do not have to tolerate it. There are things you can do to ensure that your house is allergy or asthma-friendly. Here's how:

Have Indoor Plants

This may sound unusual, but indoor plants help purify the quality of air in your home. And better indoor air quality leads to fewer allergy or asthma attacks.

Our suggestion is to add at least one indoor plant per room. You can bring in more in areas where people often gather, like the kitchen, dining area, or living room.

That's because the indoor plants act as a sponge, absorbing the toxins, chemicals, and pollutants present in the air. It will then replace them with oxygen.

Use Eco-friendly Alternatives

Keeping your house clean is an excellent way to make your home asthma-friendly. However, the cleaning products you use contain chemicals that can cause respiratory issues. Some excellent examples are triethanolamine, diethanolamine, and monoethanolamine that are present in laundry detergents.

If you suffer from allergies or asthma, we recommend using eco-friendly cleaners. That's because they often contain natural ingredients.

Another option is to make your all-purpose cleaner. All you need to do is mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle.

Vacuum Often

Allergens and pollutants can trigger your asthma or allergy. That's because these airborne particles can land on the floor or cling to textiles like carpet, curtains, and pillowcases.

Luckily, you can reduce the risk of asthma attacks by vacuuming often. Vacuums with HEPA filters can capture these fine particles. Just remember to use the right kind of attachment for different surfaces to boost efficacy.

Another thing you can do is install an extractor fan and air vent throughout your house. Doing helps improve indoor ventilation, removing asthma-inducing fragments in the air.

Install Heat Pumps

In relation to the previous point, you should also consider installing heat pumps. How can this machine make your home asthma-friendly?

For one, heat pumps come with various filters that can help eliminate odors, irritants, pollutants, and allergens. In our opinion, though, the best filters for an asthma-friendly home are catechin and plasma filters. Regardless, heat pump filters are easy to clean.

And for your convenience, it only makes sense to buy and install heat pumps with the help of a local manufacturer. If you live somewhere in Mount Eden, you can hire the best heat pump installers in Auckland.

Consider the Fabrics You Use

As mentioned earlier, asthma-causing particles can land on the floor, your carpet, curtains, or pillowcases. That said, be careful with the textiles and other materials you use at home. Rugs and throw pillows are notorious for dust build-up if not cleaned regularly.

Do not even think of buying cheap beddings, either, as it will not help your condition. Instead, purchase hypoallergenic mattresses, sheets, and duvets. Doing so can help you prevent dust mites and bed bugs from nesting in your beddings.

If you cannot afford to buy such beddings, you can wash your existing ones in warm water weekly instead.

Keep Your Pet Outdoors

If you have asthma, having a pet can be challenging. But keep in mind that the problem is not often their fur. It is what grows and lives in their hair and skin.

That said, the best way to have pets without triggering your allergy is to keep them outdoors. They can roam around your living room, but do not let your pets in your bedroom.

Grooming your pet should be done outside by someone who does not suffer from allergies. And always wash your hands after having some fun time with your pets.

Don't Forget the Yard

As much as you make the indoors asthma-friendly, you should also be mindful of the triggers present in your yard. Pollen can be problematic to those with asthma, especially during August to March, when pollen counts are the highest.

As such, replace your lawn with pave (a piece of ground with concrete, asphalt, stones, or bricks) wherever possible. Keep the weeds under control as they can also carry pollen. Another option is to plant low-allergen plants like sweet pea, petunia, or pansy.

Lastly, ensure that you are wearing protective goggles, a face mask, and gloves when gardening. And tend your garden during cool, cloudy days.


Here's the thing: Our house contains allergens that can trigger someone's asthma or allergy. The good thing is that there are household tips you can implement to reduce those triggers.

One of which is to ensure that your house is clean and dust-free. Thus, the vacuum is your best friend.

Another is to improve your house's ventilation. You can do this by installing heat pumps, extractor fans, or air vents. Doing so can help you against allergic rhinitis or asthma attacks.

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Written By:

Ciara Perkins is a content marketing specialist with more than three years of copywriting experience. She has worked in diverse industries ranging from marketing to finance, lifestyle, and more. Connect with Ciara on Twitter.

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at 

Photo by Jimmy Dean on Unsplash

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