Becoming Active: 5 Tips To Help Couch Potatoes Ditch The Sedentary Lifestyle

Trusted Health Products
Written By M.J. Collins / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Getting fit is a priority for many people, but for someone who has been a couch potato for years, becoming active can seem like a daunting task. If you want to add more activity into your life but aren't sure how to begin, you aren't alone. Many people struggle with starting a workout routine, which is why finding simple ways to help yourself is so beneficial. 

1. Put The Right Things in Your Body

Diet and nutrition are an important part of seeking a healthier life. If you've spent the past few years loading up on junk food, your system is probably crying out for a change. Begin by eating more fruits, vegetables and leafy greens, which will provide you with the vitamins and minerals that are required for energy production. When it comes to supplements, consider Goji berries, B vitamins, Acai berry and vitamin C. All of these things will do a lot for your energy levels.

2. Enjoy Your Favorite Programs

There is nothing wrong with watching television as long as you move around while doing so. Even if you don't own any fancy exercise equipment, you can still squeeze in a workout while watching your favorite shows. Every time the show takes a break, get up and do a set of jumping jacks, squats, lunges or sit ups. It will get your circulation moving, tone your body and distract you from annoying commercials.

3. Reach Out For Help

Getting healthy can be a struggle, and if you find yourself unable to make progress, you shouldn't be ashamed to reach out for help. A qualified life/fitness coach, found on sites such as, will have experience working with people who have trouble finding the motivation to get fit, and he or she can help you organize your daily activities to include more time for exercise.

4. Take The Stairs

Every day, you have to make it from the street to your office on the fourth floor. Usually, you accomplish this task by riding the elevator with your coworkers, but if you want to begin getting fit, you've been missing out on a great opportunity. Stair climbing is an incredibly challenging workout, but it also has the potential to boost your level of fitness quite quickly. By taking the stairs every morning, you won't just begin to get yourself in shape, you will cultivate feelings of well-being that will stay with you throughout your work day.

5. Get A Dog

Research has demonstrated that people who own a dog are 34 percent more likely to get an adequate amount of exercise. If you aren't already a parent to a beloved pooch, consider adopting one from your local animal shelter. You will be saving a life, and your new friend will give you plenty of reminders about when it's time to go for walks.

Although it can be hard to get up off the couch, you will soon find that it was one of the greatest things you ever did. You only get one body in this life, and taking care of it is your ultimate responsibility.

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M.J. Collins is a first-hand witness of knowing how hard it is to become active after being a "couch potato" for so long. Luckily, visiting sites like can help you achieve your fitness goals in a natural, healthy way that will leave you feeling better about your lifestyle than ever before.

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Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at

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