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6 Healthy Hobbies To Introduce To Your Kids

Trusted Health Products

Written By Sheryl Wright / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

As a parent, you don't want to discourage your children from having fun and enjoying life. At the same time, you want to help them develop good habits that will ensure they live long and healthy lives.

You can help your kids stay healthy and happy by introducing them to hobbies that will positively affect their overall health. From encouraging intellectual stimulation to making sure they stay physically active, there are plenty of hobbies you can share with your children.


A healthy hobby for kids that produces tangible results is creating a garden. You can measure off a section of your yard for each child and help them build and decorate their garden with wooden walls, stones, or bricks. When you're ready to start planting, you can let your children choose the types of plants they will grow in their gardens. They can choose to grow flowers or they can decide to grow fruits and vegetables.

This will help them learn more about nature, and the actions of bending and twisting as they dig the soil and plant seeds will give them physical exercise. As they spend time outdoors each day to water and care for their plants, the fresh air will boost their mood and promote healthier respiration. When their crops are fully grown, they will have healthy foods for meals and snacks.


You can never do too much reading, and that's especially true for children whose minds are still developing. You should encourage your children to spend a little time each day with a good book. Reading fiction for fun will help your children learn and develop creative thinking skills. They will also enjoy throwing themselves into fantastical worlds for a brief period of time each day.

Turn reading into a family event by making regular trips to the library or to a book store. If you pick up a book for yourself, you can read with your children and set a good example for them.


Another good hobby for your kids is to take up hiking at an area park or anyplace that will provide an interesting journey. You can take your children on a weekend road trip to go hiking in a nearby forest or mountain range. Each hike provides an opportunity to learn about nature as your kids get some exercise and fresh air.

Spice things up by creating a list of things to look for on your hike, turning the adventure into a scavenger hunt. Just remember to bring along some bottled water, first aid supplies, and a paper map of the region.

Water Sports

If you live in a coastal area, try spending more time at the beach with your kids. The ocean provides plenty of opportunities for physical activity, including swimming, surfing, and snorkeling. You can buy kids surfboards for your children to encourage them to feel more excited about riding the waves. Even if you live near a lake or river, you can find refreshing ways to get your kids involved in fun water sports.


Believe it or not, teaching your children how to cook can be a fun and healthy hobby. This should involve your children in more than just the preparation of the meal. Begin by planning out the week's meals with your children. This gives you an opportunity to discuss nutrition and choosing healthier food options.

When you go shopping, bring your children with you. As you shop, teach your children how to select ripe fruits and vegetables. You can also show them how to pick fresh cuts of lean red meat and what to look for in buying whole grains.

Martial Arts

It can also be exciting for your children to learn some form of martial arts by enrolling them in the program of their choice. They will learn effective self-defense methods that they can use to protect themselves in the future.

Additionally, classes will focus on routines that require developing strength, balance, agility, and stamina. As they practice their lessons, your children will become adept in the martial arts of their choice, and they will get more exercise to help them stay physically fit.

You can continue looking for new hobbies to do with your kids by looking for ideas online. It may also be helpful to ask your children for suggestions. When you try ideas that interest your children, they will get more involved in the hobby. Over time, engaging in a wider range of activities will also help you bond more closely with your children.

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Written By:

Sheryl Wright is a freelance writer who specializes in digital marketing, inclusive business, and interior design. If she is not at home reading, she is at a farmers market or climbing in the Rockies. She currently lives in Nashville, TN, with her cat, Saturn.

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.

Photo by Allan Mas from Pexels

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