3 Medical Advancements Your Family Should Know About

Trusted Health Products

Written By Maggie Bloom / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

It could be argued that technology has made life better; none of it is as important as medical advancements. The breakthroughs in modern medicine are changing the healthcare system completely. Technology has increased life expectancy and made a lot of people healthier.

Your family needs to keep up with the developments that happen every day in the healthcare sector. Something might come up that is of help to the family. Technology keeps improving each year, and there is no telling the impact it will have in the future. Here are three medical advancements you need to know about.

3D Printed Drugs

You have probably heard of 3D printing in other fields. Bars of chocolate, guns and so many other things have been printed using the technology. The advancement has grown in the past few years, and it was only a matter of time before it reached the medicine world. So the emergence of 3D-printed drugs should not be a big surprise.

Technology advancement has helped not only pharmaceutical companies but also the end consumer. You and any member of your family can have your drugs customized. Currently, most medicines are made using mass manufacturing. It can lead to inappropriate dosing, which can negatively affect the children and the elderly. But with the 3D printers, the medicines can be personalized.

The dosage can be tailored to fit what the patient needs. It can also combine different medicines into one pill to make it easy to take. Children have also benefitted from the printed drugs. The pills can be printed in different shapes link octopuses and dinosaurs to make them easy to swallow. It has helped many families administer drugs in the correct dosage.


Telehealth is a way of advancing healthcare with the help of telecommunications technology. It's something you and your family need to keep a close eye on. If you can't access a hospital, you can have a virtual meeting with your doctor.

Now you don't have to worry about getting sick or searching for a hospital when you are traveling long distances. The cost benefits are also many with telehealth. Your family will save a lot from every doctor consultation.

The technologies have also helped medical practices grow. The doctors can now access better practice management solutions. They can give virtual consultations effortlessly because management tools help organize referrals, communications, and patient files.

There are also remote monitoring tools you can use to monitor your health from home. The family will reduce unnecessary doctor visits significantly. If you have any heart disease patients in the family, you can automatically send their data to a remote hospital. The monitoring helps patients suffering from chronic diseases.

Artificial Organs

Scientists can grow skin in a lab to help burn victims recover properly. They are working on many other organs. Regenerating skin for burn victims was ground-breaking, but the transplant game will change forever if the other organs follow.

There are so many exciting possibilities with artificial organs you need to keep up with. It's one of the main advancements everyone is looking at in the near future. Aside from skin, scientists have created synthetic ovaries, blood vessels and even a pancreas. If all the organs could be made without being rejected by the body, it will save millions of lives.

Many patients die waiting for life-saving transplants each year. But at least you know if any of your family members go to the hospital with a burn injury, they will make a full recovery without any major skin deformations. This is one of the advancements that have helped a lot of patients in recent years.

Even though the epidermis will not produce any hair, the technique has saved countless lives. It is used in all the hospitals, and it's slowly giving way to more advancement in the field.


These three are the major medical advancements your family must know about. But there are so many things happening in the medical world every day, and you will keep hearing breakthroughs and discoveries. However, these three advancements have been changing health care services for years now, and are here to stay.

They keep growing and presenting new ideas and possibilities. Knowing what is new in the healthcare sector will put your family in a better position. You will reduce the costs of accessing health services and explore new treatment options.

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Written By:

Maggie Bloom graduated from Utah Valley University with a degree in communication and writing. In her spare time, she loves to dance, read, and bake. She also enjoys traveling and scouting out new brunch locations.

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com. 

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