Red Onions Are Impressive Cancer Fighters

Trusted Health Products

Ontario-grown red onions are creating quite the buzz as they've been tested and shown to have an impressive ability to kill off cancer cells of the breast and colon variety. Much more so than any other type of onions, red onions are naturally packed with antioxidants and these are some of the most important cancer fighting aids there are. The high levels of anthocyanin and quercetin that are specific to red onions are what make these types of onions so effective against cancer cells.

An engineering professor and a Ph.D. student made red onions their latest subject as they understood that not all onions were created equal. But they wanted to know why exactly that is - which ones are the best and what type of qualities some onions have that others don't. Though many super foods are widely and extensively studied, the onion variations aren't and a lot isn't really understood about them and their different types.

Understanding Anthocyanin

The anthocyanin found in the red onion has a very specific function when it comes to combating and killing cancer cells. It helps to enrich the scavenging properties of the quercetin molecules which means that the two actually work in conjunction with one another.

Anthocyanin is instrumental in providing color to fruits and vegetables so it makes sense that the red onions, which are darkest in color, would have the most cancer-fighting power. Onions as a whole activate entire pathways that cause cancer cells to give up and undergo what is referred to as cell death.

This is because they help craft and cultivate a specific environment in the body that isn't favorable or conducive to cancerous cells. If we could find a way to essentially convince cancer cells to die immediately upon them being formed, the occurrences of cancer would decline tremendously. The disruption between cancerous cells helps to mitigate and eliminate the growth of such cells.

Onion Extracts

While it's relatively easy to include this food in salads or on the top of burgers, there is much talk in certain research circles about the need for the extracts of the onion to be made available for even greater use and consumption. Similarly to how certain vegetables can be consumed in cold-pressed juice form, the oils and juices of red onions should also be available in these ways. The only thing that can potentially make this harder is that the flavor of a red onion can easily be overpowering if it exists in excess.

The thought of consuming onion juice doesn't sound very appetizing to most people. However, there is a surefire way to circumvent the taste issue - the remnants of the onion being made available in solid pill form. Whether in capsule or in liquid vitamin form, the presence of this food transformed for easier consumption could really change the way that we talk about specific cancers, namely colon and breast cancer.

The ability of so many different foods to have natural benefits that could have any type of real bearing on improving our health and wellness is something that should continually be looked into. Instead of corporations and drug companies receiving a kickback for all the medications they peddle, so much of what could be beneficial to the body can be found in nature.

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Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at


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