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Summer Is Ending, Not Your Health Or Happiness

Trusted Health Products

Written By Mikkie Mills / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

The end is near – the end of summer, that is. And while it means big changes for a lot of families, fall doesn’t have to be all bad, and if you prepare your home, your kids, and yourself, you may even be able to enjoy it.

Here are a few tips on making the most of the last days of summer and segueing into fall.

Backyard Health And Happiness

You may have noticed over the past few months that your backyard just isn’t very fun. Maybe it’s full of weeds, dirt, and dead grass. The end of summer is a great time to start sprucing it up – as the temperatures start to drop a little, spending time outside pulling weeds isn’t quite as uncomfortable as it was back in mid-July.

As the summer ends you and your family might be thinking how fun it would have been to have a pool these past few months. If you have been dreaming of a pool lately, now is a great time to get one installed. Get the look you want for your backyard and the pool you’ve always dreamed of with custom pools Las Vegas.

Cooling temperatures also mean it’s the perfect time for some gardening. Some plants do better when they are planted in the fall. Plant them now and reap the benefits of a beautiful yard after the long cold winter!

Start Getting The Kids Ready For School

Suddenly getting back into the groove can be jarring for kids, so you may want to slowly get them used to the idea that school will be starting up again soon - and thus avoid disaster that first week or so!. For instance, you can get them back onto a schedule a couple of weeks before school starts: give them a bedtime, and make them wake up at a set time (before noon).

Go through your kids’ closets and see what clothes and shoes fit and what don’t, so that you know what you’ll need when you go back-to-school shopping. This is also a great time to do some closet clean up and find some items that no longer fit to give away to charity.

Was your child supposed to be doing summer homework? Make sure it gets done before the first day; or, even better, have them do summer homework and also have them do some extra reading so they can get those brains working again.

And speaking of back-to-school, this is also a great time to check and see if last year’s coats will fit them. Back-to-school sales often are the perfect chance to get a deal on winter wear.

Take Care Of Yourself For Health And Happiness

If you find yourself feeling depressed and anxious as the summer ends, it may be more than just the end of summer blahs. It may actually be something called autumn anxiety – that depressed, anxious feeling you get at the end of August.

Just knowing that such a thing exists - and may be responsible for how you are feeling - can help. Go easy on yourself, and if you feel overwhelmed don’t be afraid to get help.

Enjoy Every Moment For Health And Happiness

Going from summer to fall may be the most stressful season change of all. But there are lots of things to enjoy about fall – the crunch of the fall leaves, that bit of chill in the air, and the excitement of the holidays coming up, to name just a few.

As things get hectic, make sure you take the time to enjoy all that is happening, your family, and the fall season!

Fall may not be your favorite season, but a bit of preparation can make it at least a little more tolerable. Make your yard into a place you can look forward to spending time in once spring comes, get the kids ready for a great school year, and make sure you take steps to enjoy this special time of year!

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Written By:

Mikkie Mills is a freelance writer from Chicago. She is also a mother of two who loves sharing her ideas on interior design, budgeting hacks and DIY. When she's not writing, she's chasing the little ones around, walking her dog, or can be found rock climbing at the local climbing gym.

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.

Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay 

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