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New Health Practices To Start Today

Trusted Health Products

Written By Mikkie Mills / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

There always seem to be new fitness, diet, and health trends bombarding you at every turn. It can be hard to figure out what new practices are beneficial and not just the next big trend.

Your health is a priority and it is always a good idea to explore ways you can better support your physical and mental health. You also want to find ways to encourage a healthy lifestyle that aren't too expensive and that are easy to implement into your schedule. Below are some new easy steps you can take to start investing in your well-being.

Red Light Therapy

You may have heard a little bit about light therapy, but you may not know about the numerous red light therapy benefits. For starters, it is as easy as simply sitting in front of a specialized light for as little as 10 to 20 minutes a day. Even someone with the busiest schedule can manage to fit that into their routine.

Red light is super important for the health of your body. It can promote more restful sleep, increase your energy, lower your inflammation levels, and even improve your complexion. Red light therapy helps counteract the excessive amount of blue light we encounter every day.

People need a certain amount of sunlight to thrive, just like plants do, but sadly most people are indoors most days. With red light therapy, you can get the light your body needs year-round, no matter what the season or weather might be.

Fitness Trackers

Another simple device that can improve your overall health is investing in a fitness tracker. There are plenty of great watches and devices you can wear daily to see how you are doing physically. Many of them include free programs you can use to record your exercise and daily movement, and they often give you goals to reach for. 

It may seem like one more thing to do, but actually having something to track your physical health usually helps you be more diligent about getting that workout in every day. You will find that you are watching your step counts, and maybe even challenging your family and friends to see who can get the most steps in for the week. Using a fitness tracker daily can help you move more which will always be good for your health.

At-Home Exercise Equipment

Most people are tired of paying monthly for expensive gym fees and having to go out of their way to exercise. A new wave of at-home exercise equipment is making working out convenient and fun. The most prominent name in the market is currently Peloton bikes and treadmills, with their custom routines available to members.

Companies like Myx also offer the ability to essentially create your own home gym to maximize and track your physical performance. Even long-established companies like NordicTrack are launching innovative new workout equipment such as the Vault, which is an iFit connected home gym. For the cost of a year at the gym, or even sometimes less, you can get awesome equipment to use for years and years.

Digital Detoxes

Another health practice that is making waves are digital detoxes. They are as simple as they sound and a wonderful practice to build into your routine. You can simply take a day off of devices for an extended period of time to jumpstart it. Some people take a whole week or month at a time depending on the variables.

Once a longer detox is completed, you can do a short detox day weekly. Digital detoxes can be extremely helpful for your mental health, so consider implementing one to experience all the benefits.

You deserve to invest in your health by starting some new habits and practices. Adding red light therapy, new exercise equipment, and tracking your fitness will help you make some great strides in your overall well-being. Topping it off with regularly taking digital detoxes will make you feel much healthier, both physically and mentally. Trying these new innovative health practices will be the best decision you have made this year.

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Written By: 

Mikkie Mills is a freelance writer from Chicago. She is also a mother of two who loves sharing her ideas on interior design, budgeting hacks and DIY. When she's not writing, she's chasing the little ones around, walking her dog, or can be found rock climbing at the local climbing gym.

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.

Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

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