New Health Benefits Linked To Cycling

Trusted Health Products

It is well known that physical activities have a plethora of health benefits associated with them. A recent study has found that certain types are more effective. Being active is preferred over staying dormant and stagnant a hundred times over but what some people fail to realize is the type of exercise you take part in will directly affect certain health issues or concerns.

A senior exercise physiologist named Deb Tregea who performed this study at Penn State found that the type of exercise performed on two wheels has a variety of positive results.

Transportation Benefits

One of the benefits Tregea talks about is not simply related to the body itself but as a means of transportation. She notes that cyclists can be much more practical with their time and money. For those conscious of how car emissions harm the environment, biking is also a great option as your primary mode of transportation.

This is perfect for those cities that don't necessarily have reliable public transportation and for individuals who don't feel like racking up Uber miles. Cycling also is associated with a ton of physical benefits like the prevention of weight accumulation as well as illnesses associated with weight issues like diabetes and heart disease.

Tregea found that the varied terrain that is often experienced by cyclists after only 20 minutes of riding is enough to allot for the recommended minutes a week of exercise an average adult needs. There are variances and specific inconsistencies when it comes to cycling that can be of benefit to those interested in their level of fitness.

Due to the terrain of outdoor cycling, something like climbing a hill works and engages different muscles throughout the body in a way that requires endurance and strength. Even the routes with less strenuous terrain cause the body to react in a way it may not be used to from other forms of exercise.

Low Impact

One of the greatest benefits associated with cycling is its low impact on the body. So many serious athletes or those who take part in strenuous workouts often experience setbacks from physical injuries to their feet, ankles, and knees. This is especially true for those who enjoy running and doing marathons.

While these are admirable and highly difficult practices to do on a long-term basis, it's important to realize that injury is very common as a result of the overwhelming stress on the joints and the knees.

Due to the low impact of cycling, it's a great option for those who want to be active but struggle with other more strenuous modes of exercise. Those individuals that suffer from conditions like osteoarthritis may find that something like cycling is the perfect option for them as it minimizes wear and tear to joints.

Leg Functionality

Cycling also has benefits as it relates to leg functionality. For those who have had strength issues with their knees and legs, Tregea says that the prospect of cycling is great for these sufferers as it helps strengthen leg muscles.

It can be as easy as a few times around the block on a bike if you're completely new to the function of cycling, but it can forever positively impact your health and your life.

The exercise high often experienced by those who run is also a very common experience with cyclists. Interested in providing yourself some clarity from stress and mental health hiccups? See if cycling helps.

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Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at

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