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How To Stay Healthy And Fit As A Senior

Trusted Health Products
Written By Paisley Hansen / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

When you are a senior, you may wonder how you can maintain a healthy lifestyle that does not involve sitting for long periods of time or staying indoors. Here are some of the best ways that you can have a fulfilling lifestyle during your golden years.

Find Outdoor Hobbies

Making sure you get outside is essential for remaining happy when you are retired. You and your spouse can take walks on the beach or local hiking trails, go to a park to have a picnic, or many other activities in your area. Even getting a few minutes of sun every day has been shown to have a myriad of health benefits that will benefit you in the long run. If you live in a retirement community, you can also find others who want to do things outdoors as well. This way, you will not have to drive all the time, and you have a group of motivated individuals similar to yourself.

Develop An Easy Exercise Regimen

Exercise is still vital, even more so as your age increases. Therefore, it is a good idea to meet with a personal trainer or fitness coach to assess your strengths, weaknesses, and determine how best to stay in shape without putting your body through too much in your older age. For instance, core exercises for seniors usually involve low-impact moves and positions. The key is to preserve the health of your joints, but strengthen them as well, so they are better able to withstand impact in case you have an accident. Try to target the abdominal area and lower back, as these are two of the muscle groups that are most susceptible to injury.

Make Better Diet Choices

When you are a retiree, it is imperative that you make informed decisions regarding what you eat. You can still indulge in snacks and sweets occasionally, but eating a diet high in fiber, fruits and vegetables, and calcium is essential in order to maintain muscle and bone health. If you live in assisted living or a retirement community, then it is easier to get the nutrition you need, because many of the meals provided are tailored specifically for senior diets. However, it is also a good idea to have healthy snacks on hand, and plan your meals as often as possible.

Join A Group With Common Interests

You can still make new friends after you have retired. If you live away from your core group of friendships, or you have left many of them at your job which you retired from, then you should try to connect with other seniors who have similar hobbies and interests that you do. With the advent of social media, it is easier than ever to locate other hobbyists in your area that you can do these activities with. Or, if you have access to many other seniors at a close range, simply post your ideas on a community bulletin board or talk to individuals about your plans.

Have Goals And Incentives

You do not have to stop having goals and paths for achievement after you leave the workplace and fully transition into retirement. To keep active, feeling younger, and more motivated, try to set goals for the week, the month, and the year, as well as cross items off of your bucket list. If you want to hike seven miles, for example, break it up into more manageable pieces, and reward yourself along the way. This way, you will stay motivated to complete your goals and strive for new ones, without risking boredom. If you have a group you meet with regularly, try making a list of goals that apply to all of you, and hold each other accountable.

You do not need to worry about staying active and healthy in your senior years. With these tips, you will be able to have a fulfilling life, and feel your absolute best.

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Written By:

Paisley Hansen is a freelance writer and expert in health, fitness, and growing young. When she isn’t writing she can usually be found reading a good book or hitting the gym. She loves hearing from readers so feel free to contact her through Facebook.

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.

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  • One of the biggest perks about living in a Independent senior living communities is the sense of belonging it offers by connecting people from different backgrounds together in a shared living space. These social connections play a huge part in senior wellness and help ease issues of isolation and loneliness.


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