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A Quick Guide For Muscle Aches And Pain Relief

Trusted Health Products

Written By Sierra Powell / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

There are many types of pain, and there is no one type that can be specifically targeted at a specific treatment. Pain may originate from the soft tissues in your muscles or joints. It could also come from an infection, inflammation, or some other medical condition. Whatever the cause, you have plenty of options with relief for muscle aches and pains.

Often, there are simple treatments and remedies such as ice packs, heating pads, and aspirin which can help with immediate relief. Suppose something more serious is going on - especially overuse of muscles. In that case, one should seek medical attention right away, so they don’t end up with chronic issues later down the line.

For this reason, getting a massage is a good idea, which can help with recovery and prevention. Here is a quick guide for muscle aches and pain relief.

Identify the Source of Pain

The first thing to do when you have muscle pain is to identify the source. Is it your back? Neck? Or maybe an old injury that flared up again after too much stress at work or home life? It’s essential to identify a course of treatment and assess what might happen if these pains persist, as different conditions can lead to serious health problems in time.

Take Pain Killers

Take ibuprofen before exercising to reduce any potential soreness afterward or if you already have significant discomfort. Ibuprofen works by blocking signals sent by proinflammatory molecules so they don’t reach your brain. Prolonged use increases the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.

Sleep and Rest

Get enough sleep and reduce stress to help your muscles recover between workouts. When your body needs rest, it is more likely that the benefits of exercise will last - even after you’ve stopped exercising for a while. Also, reducing stress may make aches easier to manage since this can lead to muscle tension or soreness if left unchecked on its own.


Stretch before and after activity to avoid injury or prevent existing injuries from worsening. Stretching increases flexibility and improves blood circulation. Hence, fewer risks for those who suffer from chronic pain issues such as arthritis or fibromyalgia. It also helps joints move smoothly without causing excessive strain.

If necessary, consult your doctor for a referral to physical therapy. Therapy can be tailored to focus on the specific type of pain you experience and could help improve mobility to reduce discomfort.

Mindfulness Exercises

Meditate or use mindfulness exercises such as yoga. This is a great way to manage chronic stress, which can aggravate muscle aches caused by inflammation. Besides, they may also relieve mental health issues that might contribute to lower back or neck pain (e.g., depression).

Hot Showers

Try hot showers before bed and following exercise sessions. Heat increases blood flow, which promotes muscle relaxation. Water softens tight muscles, making them more pliable, so they’re easier on joints. Always check, though, because you might have sensitive skin! If this doesn’t work, try an Epsom salts bath instead of regular showering and add a cup of vinegar to the water.

At Home and Over-the-Counter Remedies

Use heat packs, ice massage therapy, pain relief spray, or topical analgesic creams for localized relief. These are best on joints or muscle groupings that have been injured. But be careful not to cover your entire back with ice or use a heating pad too close to sensitive areas near your spine.

Also, try one of those foam roller massagers for sore muscles. They’re effective because they help relieve muscle soreness and tension by rolling over it with the roller.


Consider acupuncture if the pain remains severe after using all other methods discussed in this article. It’s an ancient Chinese medicine procedure involving thin needles applied at specific points along energy channels that line the body, which is thought to regulate health and development and physical function.

Final Thoughts

The best advice we can give is to always listen to your body. If it feels like stress or a lack of activity has led you towards chronic pain, try some new lifestyle changes and see how they help!

Remember that there are many treatments available for muscle aches and pains. Thus, don’t hesitate to take action if necessary. Whatever the case may be, please consult your physician about any serious injuries before beginning any treatment regimen on your own.

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Written By:

Sierra Powell graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a major in Mass Communications and a minor in Writing. When she's not writing, she loves to cook, sew, and go hiking with her dogs.

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

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