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7 Best Health Products People Are Supplementing While in Quarantine

Trusted Health Products
Written By Kiley Morrow / Reviewed By Ray Spotts
Maintaining your health is one of the most valuable things you can do during this pandemic. It doesn’t just help your body fight the virus, it also allows you to enjoy a longer life. People are quarantined in their homes at the moment giving them plenty of opportunities to boost their immune system. If you want to do the same, here are some of the best health products you can use during quarantine.
  1. Green food supplement

Stocking up on fresh foods can be tricky since we’re told to limit our time spent outside. You have to do some careful meal planning to ensure all your produce is consumed and not left to waste.

If you’re not consuming enough fruits and veggies, you can opt to take a green food supplement. These contain a blend of veggies, fruits, antioxidants and fiber that are important for a healthy immune system. 

  1. Ergonomic workstation

Some of us are lucky enough to be able to work from home. However, this quarantine has limited our ability to go outside for those much needed breaks and exercise. This is why an ergonomic workstation is more important than ever.

You can begin with a wedge pillow for a better work station. Next, consider the height of your chair relative to your work table. Does it allow you to maintain proper back posture or do you have to hunch over or slouch? What about the height of your computer relative to your eyes? These should be aligned so that you can hold your neck at an upright angle.

  1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for fighting off viruses. When you get infected, vitamin D can help reduce the severity of your symptoms, allowing you to recover faster. 

We can get vitamin D naturally from going out during daytime but since we need to stay indoors, supplementing with vitamin D is very important. You can up the vitamin D in your diet by consuming foods like fatty fish, beef liver, mushrooms, eggs, and cheese. If you can’t get enough from your diet, consider taking D in supplement form. 

  1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is another nutrient that we should be supplementing since it keeps the immune system strong. People are stocking up their medicine cabinets with this supplement since the virus is known to deeply affect those with weak immune systems. It’s also being used as one of the treatments for patients experiencing severe COVID-19 symptoms.

Increase your intake of this nutrient by taking vitamin C-rich foods like citrus fruits, broccoli, cauliflower, papaya, strawberries, and tomato juice. You can also take high quality vitamin C supplements with doses between 250  and 1,000 milligrams.

  1. Meditation classes

In an effort to stay sane while being quartered indoors for weeks, possibly months, people are taking meditation classes to help reduce anxiety and calm the mind. This is an incredibly difficult time for everyone and so anything to help manage stress is essential. With all the free time we have at the moment, there’s no excuse not to do some self-care to help us get through this pandemic.

  1. Sleep aids

It can be difficult to get restful sleep during this pandemic. Despite having all the free time we could ever ask for, there is so much to worry about. Our minds linger on questions of which no one has the answer to. Because of this, people are aiding their sleep with the help of comfortable bedding, relaxing music, essential oils - anything to help us get some rest and go through the next day. 

  1. Protein powder

We can only stock up so much food in our refrigerator and pantries. To avoid going through all our food, protein powder can serve as a food supplement that helps us feel full longer. This is especially important for individuals who are still keeping their exercise routines despite this quarantine. Protein powder can be consumed on its own or mixed with fruits and veggies.

Which of these products are you going to try out first? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

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Written By:

Kiley Morrow took the big leap from working a 9-to-5 to quitting, getting out her laptop and becoming a freelancer. Since then, she has found her passion in writing valuable, informative lifestyle and travel articles. After traveling for years she knows just how valuable a quick how-to guide can be for readers, which is why she contributes guest posts to various blogs.

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at

Image by Engin_Akyurt from Pixabay 

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