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4 Signs It May Be Time For You To Have A Bunionectomy

Trusted Health Products

Written By Anica Oaks / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

A bunion occurs when a bony bulge forms at the joint on the lower section of the big toe because of a shift in bones at the front of the toe. Some of the unpleasant symptoms of bunions can sometimes be treated with medication, padding or shoe inserts, but a type of surgery known as a bunionectomy may be needed if symptoms persist.

You should consider getting a bunionectomy if you notice any of these four signs.

Difficulty Standing And Walking Because Of A Bunion

If foot pain persists when standing or walking because of a bunion after trying different ways to alleviate the symptoms, a bunionectomy will likely be the only way to achieve relief. You’ll probably experience even greater pain when standing or walking if you delay getting surgery.

Having to remain off your feet for long periods because of bunion pain can lead to a lower quality of life and will also make getting essential exercise to stay healthy more difficult.

Unable To Wear Shoes Properly Because Of A Bunion

Any bunions you may have could also create difficulties getting shoes on your feet. The bulge on the big toe often makes getting into close-toed shoes much more difficult and sometimes impossible if the bunion is especially large.

Trying to put a shoe on a foot that has a bunion can cause even more pain, and you might not be able to wear the shoe at all if the pain is too great.

Numbing Sensation Related To A Bunion

A bunion can press up against nerves and interfere with the sensation to feel things. By not being able to feel things around your big toe because of the numbness, you could be more prone to foot injuries and infections that you won’t be as aware of because of the inability to feel pain.

A podiatrist can perform an examination that will help determine the level of numbness in your big toe and let you know if a bunionectomy should be performed.

Infections Caused By Bunions

Sores, blisters and other skin lesions often form on toes that have bunions on them. These infections are often caused by the bunion rubbing against the inside of a shoe excessively.

You may also notice swelling and inflammation because of the infections. Any foot infections could lead to bigger health problems if left untreated, and a bunionectomy can prevent future infections.

Getting bunion surgery isn’t always an easy choice, but doing so can help restore your health and quality of life. Your foot doctor will help you determine if a bunionectomy is right for you and give you additional information that can make choosing this option easier.

Looking for 100% all-natural foot and body products? Check out The Runner’s Choice foot care oil for tired and achy feet and ReliefMD body oil to help with the discomfort of sore muscles. Subscribe to our Trusted Health Club newsletter for more information about natural living tipsnatural healthoral health and skincare. If you are looking for more health resources check out the Trusted Health Resources list 

Written By:
Anica Oaks is a professional content and copywriter who graduated from the University of San Francisco. She loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor related. You can connect with Anica on Twitter @AnicaOaks.

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at

Image by yogaphysique from Pixabay 

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