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Raw Food Diet Tips For The Upcoming Holidays

Trusted Health Products
Written By Lena Lewis / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

The hardest part of adhering to any diet is figuring out how to eat during holidays. Some people give up their diet for a short time during the holidays, which makes them feel drained, out of energy, or like they are betraying their own body. Instead, the best way to cope is by planning ahead to give thanks through your diet even if you have a raw diet and it's Thanksgiving, a day most people associate with cooked turkey and dishes! 

Before you begin your meal preparation, create a list of raw-food dishes you plan to create. Inform your friends and loved ones that your feast will be entirely raw food, so make sure they feel welcome to bring their own dishes if necessary.

Plan Your Menu Well In Advance

Some people leave Thanksgiving dinner preparation to the last minute, which explains the cranberry sauce shortage in major grocery stores on the day before Thanksgiving don't be one of those people! If you're eating raw, you need to plan your menu to ensure it is balanced and sample new raw recipes ahead of time to make sure they will be tasty.

Choose A Few Filling Raw Main Courses

Most people will be expecting turkey or another filling cooked food, so make sure your main courses are also filling. Raw lasagnas, for example, contain many familiar ingredients and are a comfort food for many raw food eaters and their friends. Imitation meat dishes will help if you have any devoted carnivores in your midst. Consider a raw soup for a main course, since they can be creamy and comforting while still filling guests up. If you're careful, you can avoid having to go on a premade juice cleanse for the week after Thanksgiving!

Supplement With Lots Of Side Dishes

Not everyone will love every raw dish you make, so including a variety of side dish options will help create that feast feeling you're looking for. Make sure they are visually appealing, come in a variety of colors, and there are some hot and some cold options. A few salads; a colorful side using red, orange, or yellow vegetables; comfort foods like green bean casserole or creamed corn; and culturally unique side dishes such as Indian or Asian cuisine-inspired dishes will mix it up. Guests should be able to find several new favorites if you include lots of options!

Finish Up With A Few Dessert Options

It's always a good idea to think outside the box when it comes to desserts. There are recipes available online for a variety of raw cheesecakes, pies, dessert casseroles, and so on. You can even find raw pumpkin pie recipes! Having two dessert options will make it feel even more like a feast in short, variety is the key to the whole meal.

Thanksgiving is a time for celebration and feasting, so make sure your raw food feast doesn't feel sparse. Intrigue your guests by serving lots of different options so they can choose their favorite comfort foods in a raw format. They won't even miss traditional foods if you prepare ahead of time and use colorful ingredients to make the presentation a visual feast, too.

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Written By:

Lena Lewis is a chef in a busy city restaurant. When she's not preparing food, she's writing about it for various Internet blogs.

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.

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