The Drawback Of Corn Oil

Trusted Health Products

While we usually make it a habit of introducing different types of oils that you may not be familiar with and highlighting all of the many benefits associated with them, we also want to bring your attention the aspects of certain oils or ingredients you readily use that are actually harmful.

Corn oil is one of the oils that has had numerous studies show it can be harmful in large, consistently consumed quantities. While it is high in healthy, polyunsaturated fatty acids and provides a stabilization against oxidation when cooking, it does have some specific drawbacks as well. Here are three dangers associated with corn oil.

Inflammatory Fatty Acids

While many of the oils that we talk about have restorative and anti-inflammatory properties, this one actually has the exact opposite. While it is rich in polyunsaturated essential fatty acids, which are notoriously helpful and good for the body, they are also high in omega 6 fats and low in omega 3 fats which are preferable.

The recommended ratio of polyunsaturated fats should be 4 to 1 in order for our bodies to perform and function they way they're meant to. The inflammatory elements of omega 6's can lead to inflammatory diseases if they are consumed at a higher rate than the other, healthier fats. These types of diseases can include arthritis and even heart disease.

Cancer Risk

Omega 6 fats have also been known to accelerate the growth of cancerous cells. There was research done in 2007 that showed this example in relation to prostate tumor cells. It found that the fatty acids of the omega 6 variety that come from corn oil can both cause and spread the presence of cancer cells.

Similar results were found in a study conducted in 2010 which shows that arachidonic acid can be positively affected by the better and healthy omega 3s, but corn oil is very low in those healthy omegas so a counter balance cannot effectively exist the way it needs to in order to make a real positive impact or difference. Thus, cancerous cells may have a breeding ground if you don't watch the amount of this oil you cook with or consume.

Weight Gain

While many people don't understand that not all fat is bad and not all fat will cause you to gain weight, there are specific types of fats that will. Over 60% of Americans suffer from being overweight. What many don't know is how to differentiate between the healthy fats and the bad fats.

Unfortunately, corn oil is full of bad fats. When mice were given a choice between corn oil and sugar or carbs, many of the mice chose corn oil which lead to them overeating the oil and gaining a massive amount of weight.

It's imperative that we don't consume too much of anything but especially those foods and oils that can be potentially harmful to our bodies and our health. Opt for an oil with healthier types of fat like coconut, avocado or macadamia nut oil.

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Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.

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