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COVID-19 Protection While Visiting Public Places

Trusted Health Products
Written By Clyde Kincaid / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Coronavirus infection has changed the world. Leaving a house is a real threat to one’s health. Still, operating businesses are thinking about precautions. Among them such tools as sanitizers, regular disinfection, and sneeze guard glass. Employees wear gloves and masks.

Those who doubt the severe consequences may consider such measures unnecessary. This is quite a careless attitude. After all, we must think about others. Older people, for instance, have higher chances of a lethal outcome. The same can be said about those with a poor immune system.

Let's be honest. A human doesn't have to do much to stop contributing to the spread of this disease. They must practice social isolation. It means staying at home as much as possible. If someone needs to go out, following coronavirus precautions is a must.

Why Is It Vital To Follow Coronavirus Precautions?

The truth is that coronavirus is spreading fast. The number of cases has exceeded 3.4 million. Even though about one-third of those infected have recovered, the death rate isn't low. There have been more than 240,000 victims until now!

The terrifying fact is that the number of infected people has been drastically increasing. The reason for this may be dense physical contact. It's not a secret anymore that the main channel of virus transmission is from-person-to-person.

Skeptics may say that healthy people don't need to sacrifice their comfort. Well, this isn't relevant. Anyone can be a carrier agent. The worst thing is that those who don't show any symptoms aren't in the risk-free zone. Therefore, you never know where the bomb is hidden.

Although some countries claim to have an epidemic situation under control, the future is uncertain. There are many opinions that there will be another infection outbreak or even two. Even those who have recovered from the disease can't live worry-free.

Coronavirus replication may attack them, together with the lucky ones - those who didn't get sick. It means that precautionary measures are likely to become a part of our daily routines for quite some time.

Humans Aren’t The Only Ones In The Danger Zone

Yes, you read it correctly. Though humans’ interactions pose the greatest danger, it's not the only one. You can stumble upon the term "feline coronavirus" or "equine coronavirus." The former refers to cats, the latter to horses.

Basically, it means that animals can also suffer from this virus. This field still needs much research. Yet one fact is for sure - humans mustn't abandon animals to their fate.

How To Protect Yourself In Public Places

So, we’ve established the fact that physical contact is the most dangerous aspect of life at the moment. Now, it's time to figure out how to reduce the risks. It goes without saying that you have to follow such rules as:

  • Avoid close contact with the sick. If you take care of an infected person, you must wear at least a mask and gloves. A special suit is advisable.
  • Keep six feet distance from other people.
  • Cover sneezes and coughs.
  • Frequently disinfect hands, a phone, and other belongings that you use often. It's advisable to wash hands with soap properly once you are home.

As for public places, the best protection is staying away from them. However, if the need to go out is unavoidable, keep in mind that you must stay away from people. Like, literally. Mind the distance and avoid crowds. If you are sick or don't feel well, wearing a mask is a must. It's an effective tool to lower the risk of coronavirus spread.

Another vital aspect is disinfection. Bacteria remain on the surfaces for several hours. The most dangerous spots are doorknobs, handles, sinks, light switches, etc. Nonetheless, sanitize hands after touching them. Gloves are one more working idea.

Businesses have a big responsibility. They have to provide health security. Coronavirus precautions include:

  • Health security for employees. This includes special wear, if necessary, reduced physical contact, and sanitizers.
  • Physical distancing. This point applies to employee-employee and employee-customer interactions. The latter is vital. Many workers, for instance, cashiers, deal with hundreds of people daily. It's scary to think about the scope of the problem if they are sick. A working solution is sneeze guards that prevent virus cross-contamination.
  • Regular disinfection. This includes everything. With no exceptions. From handles to top-counters.

The most important thing to remember is that to prevent the spread of the virus, every person must make a contribution. Following the rules isn’t hard. Please, share your experience in the comments. Is it difficult for you to adopt these new habits?

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Written By:

Clyde Kincaid is a competent medical specialist with more than 10 years of practice. He is a frequent speaker at professional seminars. His main field of study is ARVI - Acute Respiratory Viral Infection. This specialist often shares expertise with students from medical departments as a visiting lector. Currently he also writes for Fortuna Visual Group.

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.

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