7 Ways To Stick With Your New Year's Resolutions

Trusted Health Products

Written By Paisley Hansen / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

A new year inspires people to make new goals. These usually involve making improvements to your life, such as health or financial footing. However, without proper guidance or support, it can get difficult to stay on track. How do some people see their resolutions through? Discover seven tips you can implement now to help you achieve whatever goals you have set for the new year.

  1. Set Realistic Goals To Stick With Your New Year's Resolutions

First things first. If you want to have a shot to keep any resolution, make it realistic. While you may need to lose 100 pounds, start with trying to lose 50 pounds. Weight loss and fitness are the top resolutions yearly. Perhaps you want to run a marathon at some point. If you are not in shape or do not run, dial it back to something more attainable, like a 5K. You can always make new goals as you achieve current ones.

  1. Break the Goal Down To Stick With Your New Year's Resolutions

Once you have your resolution, now what? First, take the time to break it down into more manageable milestones. For example, if you are trying to lose weight, perhaps start eliminating sugary drinks, replacing them with water. Track your water consumption and increase it by a few ounces every day. A water softener is a good way to ensure that you hydrate using fresh, clean water.

  1. Keep Track of Your Progress To Stick With Your New Year's Resolutions

The most successful people understand the importance of writing things down or using digital tools to track their days. You should keep a daily tally or log of what you did to make strides towards your goals. For instance, if you walked a mile, track that and the time. By the end of a month, you will visually see your progress. Being able to see your progress can help you stick to the program.

  1. Give Yourself Latitude To Stick With Your New Year's Resolutions

Make no mistake, you will not always be motivated to make progress. There will come a moment, a day or even a week where things won't go well, and you may fall back into old and often bad habits. What then? Do you give up and decide to try again next year? Obviously not.

Instead of coming down hard on yourself for any perceived or actual setbacks, realize you are human. You will have good and bad days. After a bad one, you must get back on track. This may seem impossible, but you can do it.

  1. Learn From Mistakes To Stick With Your New Year's Resolutions

You may have set a fitness goal every year only to give it up part way through. Instead of repeating past mistakes, it helps to learn from them and adjust accordingly. Perhaps you were too enthusiastic and cut way too many foods too quickly, thus making it difficult to stick to it. Learn from this and ease your way into the goals.

  1. Find Some Support To Stick With Your New Year's Resolutions

People are more apt to succeed when they have support. Tell those close to you of your goals and ask them to help you be accountable.

While you don't want them policing you, you do want and need them cheering you on. There are also clubs and support groups available to help surround yourself with like-minded individuals. Finding a group with similar goals can help motivate you to stick to the program.

  1. Make Changes as Needed To Stick With Your New Year's Resolutions

Understand that things may not go as planned. You may injure yourself two months into your running regime. Instead of giving up, change course. You may not be able to run the miles you wanted, but you can certainly do other physical exercises to help keep you on the fitness path. Learning to adjust as obstacles present themselves will keep you on a successful path.

It is entirely possible to stick to any resolution you make. Remember, even when things get hard, to keep moving forward. You do not need a new year or even a new month to start building better habits. A new day or hour is a great time to hit the reset button and start working towards achieving your goals.

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Written By:

Paisley Hansen is a freelance writer and expert in health, fitness, and growing young. When she isn’t writing she can usually be found reading a good book or hitting the gym. She loves hearing from readers so feel free to contact her through Facebook.

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.

Image by gabrielle_cc from Pixabay 

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