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Written By Sharon Boyd, RDH, BS.       |       Reviewed by Lara T. Coseo, DDS

 1  What Is Gingivitis
 2  What Does Gingivitis Look Like?
 3  What Causes Gingivitis?
 4  Signs And Symptoms of Gingivitis
 5  Types of Gingivitis
 6  Dangers And Health Risks of Gingivitis
       i.   How Gingivitis Links To Other Diseases And Conditions
 7  Gingivitis, Progression Into Periodontitis
 8  How To Prevent Gingivitis
       i.   Brushing
       ii.  Flossing
       iii. Lifestyle Choices
       iv. Rinse with a pure mouthwash
 9   Treatments for Gingivitis
10 Your Questions About Gingivitis Answered
11 References

What Is Gingivitis?

Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums, thus reflecting the meaning of its name. The root words come from “gingiv” = gingiva (gums) and “itis” = inflammation of.

Gingivitis usually occurs in areas where plaque biofilm has not been adequately removed. Poor or inadequate oral hygiene allows germs to congregate at the gum lines, triggering an inflammatory response in the body. The result is inflammation and antibodies targeting the area of germs buildup, otherwise known as the condition “gingivitis.” The early stages of gum infections are known as gingivitis, but as the infection becomes more severe it can lead to periodontal disease (gum disease), bone loss and tooth loss. It is estimated that up to 90% of adults in the U.S. suffer from some form of gingivitis. Areas with gingivitis are tender to the touch or may bleed during oral hygiene procedures.

What Does Gingivitis Look Like?

Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums resulting in:

  • Swollen or blunted gums
  • Red or purple gums
  • Gums that are tender
  • Bleeding during brushing or flossing

Healthy gums do not bleed, thus bleeding gums is a symptom of existing gingivitis. The swelling and redness of the gums may be localized to the papilla (the sharp pointed gum area between the teeth), generalized along the entire gum margin near the neck of the tooth, or more diffuse and extended far down into the gum lines. The gums may be slightly swollen, or have the appearance of an inner tube along the margins. Coloration of the gums in gingivitis can range from a slightly pinker shade than healthy gingiva to areas that are bright red or even purple. If gingivitis progresses into severe states such as periodontal disease, the root surfaces may be exposed as well (recession).

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What Causes Gingivitis

Gingivitis is caused by the following factors:

  • Plaque biofilm
  • Your body’s immune system
  • Poor or inadequate oral hygiene

Gingivitis is your body’s inflammatory system’s response to germs in an area of the mouth where it should not be. Germ plaque easily congregates at the gum lines of the teeth and may extend to areas under the gums as well as between the teeth. When this germs are not removed adequately on a routine basis, the body begins to attack the area, sending antibodies to destroy the plaque.

It is similar to having an injury on another portion of your body – if there is an open wound that collects dirt and germs and you neglect to keep it clean, the area will become red, swollen and sore. If you avoided cleaning this area, the infection would persist and become worse, leading to other problems. The same is true when germs and germs are not removed efficiently from the gum lines and between the teeth. Not brushing properly, often enough, or avoiding flossing can all cause gingivitis.

Gingivitis can easily be reversed, so the condition only continues to persist when routine maintenance is less than satisfactory.

Patients with missing or crowded teeth may be at more risk to develop gingivitis or gum infections in these areas because the teeth are more difficult to keep clean. Even with very good oral hygiene, shifted or crowded teeth often still collect larger amounts of plaque biofilm.

Signs And Symptoms of Gingivitis

woman dentist with her assistant

If your gums are healthy, they appear coral in color* and protrude as sharp, narrow papilla between the teeth. Gums along the margins of the teeth are completely smooth, following a natural contour along the tooth and bone.

The following conditions are symptoms of gingivitis:

  • Gums between the teeth (papilla) becoming round, swollen or blunted
  • Inflammation around the margin of the gum lines
  • Redness – ranging from a slightly darker pink to severely red or purple gums due to the blood supply under the diseased tissue area
  • Tenderness
  • Bleeding during brushing or flossing
  • Except for people with darker skin pigmentation, who may have some spotted pigment areas on healthy gums. These areas of pigmentation usually appear brown and are completely normal.

Healthy gums do not bleed when you brush or floss around them. If your gums bleed, then you are either:

  • Not brushing and flossing often enough
  • Not brushing or flossing adequately or
  • Suffering from a systemic condition (such as anemia)
  • Have untreated gum disease
  • Have plaque or tartar buildup below the gums
  • Have hormone surges such as those during puberty, pregnancy or menopause
  • Are on blood thinner medications

By correctly brushing and flossing on a regular basis for at least two weeks your symptoms should cease. If the symptoms continue to exist then you may have more advanced gum disease or need a professional cleaning to remove calcified areas of germs, which are called tartar or calculus. Once tartar exists on the teeth it cannot be brushed or flossed off. Only your hygienist or dentist can remove it and it will be necessary to have it removed before healing can begin.

Types Of Gingivitis

The different levels of gum disease are:

  • Gingivitis
  • Early Periodontitis
  • Moderate Periodontitis
  • Advanced Periodontitis

Gingivitis is the earliest and most simple form of gum disease. Thankfully you can also reverse and completely cure it! While it is less severe than other forms of gum disease, there are also various types of gingivitis. These include:

Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative (“Trench Mouth”) – This severe form of gingivitis is less common and occurs as severely ulcerated gums that appear to have “punched out” areas in the tissue. It usually includes a heightened immune response and involves inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Drug-induced – Medications that are taken can cause gingival “hyperplasia” or overgrowth of gum tissue. This condition is usually managed by addressing your medication needs with your primary care physician. In some cases there may be some gum modification through laser therapy by your dentist.

Hormonal – Some gingivitis is induced during pregnancy due to hormonal imbalances. Even with very good oral hygiene there may be some gum swelling and bleeding. Typically the condition will reverse itself after the baby is delivered.

Puberty and menopause should also be included because any large hormone swings can cause gingivitis, not just pregnancy. 

Nutritional – Deficiencies such as anemia may cause pallor of the gums with heavy bleeding. If you are anemic and have bleeding gums during brushing or flossing, consider taking iron supplements and addressing your dietary needs. Malnutrition can contribute to various oral symptoms.

Plaque Induced – Inflammation and redness of the gums due to the presence of plaque biofilm.

Chronic – The most advanced stage of gingivitis that occurs before developing into periodontal disease.

Linear Gingival Erythema – Extremely red margins of the gumlines. There may not be bleeding present and oral hygiene may not improve the condition. It is commonly associated with HIV.

Fungal, Viral, Systemic Or Infectious Disease – Infectious diseases and other systemic conditions can produce symptoms of gingivitis due to the body’s response to the illness. Examples of diseases or infections that cause mucosal irritation include:

  • Herpes
  • Mononucleosis
  • Gonorrhea
  • Strep
  • Candida (fungal)
  • AIDS
  • Leukemia
  • HIV

Gingivitis can be localized or generalized, depending on the location. Localized gingivitis only affects one to a few teeth, while generalized gingivitis affects several areas or your entire mouth.

Dangers And Health Risks of Gingivitis

If gingivitis goes untreated, it can lead to a number of other oral infections and conditions including periodontitis, gum infection, tooth loss, gum abscess, jaw abscess and trench mouth. Gingivitis doesn’t just affect the appearance or discomfort of your gums, it can also greatly affect your entire body.

Links To Other Diseases And Conditions

Gingivitis, gum disease and periodontal disease are all caused by your body’s immune response to infection in the area. When your immune system is strained by infection, it also makes it difficult to fight other conditions that you may be suffering from. The more severe your gum infection is, the more likely you are to suffer from severe health problems. (1) By treating or preventing gum infections like gingivitis, you can increase your body’s ability to recover from conditions such as (2,3):

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Arterial plaque
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Premature labor
  • Obesity
  • Erectile dysfunction

STUDY – The Link Between Gum Disease Germs And Arthritis

Gingivitis Progression Into Periodontitis

Because the beginning stages of periodontitis (periodontal disease) evolve from gingivitis, it is extremely important to tackle your symptoms before they can cause irreversible problems. If gingivitis is allowed to persist and goes untreated, the area becomes so infected that destruction of gum attachment and bone levels occur around your teeth. This attachment loss starts out small, allowing food to pack under your gums as well as tartar to build up on the root of your teeth. Ultimately the infection becomes worse and worse until you reach the point where there is so much bone loss that your teeth become mobile and may possibly fall out.

Once you have lost teeth due to periodontal disease it makes everyday things like talking, chewing and swallowing more difficult to do. Even with tooth replacement options there is never anything quite like having your natural teeth, and you may have some problems adjusting. Bone loss from gum disease is irreversible, so it is important to prevent periodontitis by treating your gingivitis as soon as you begin to experience symptoms.

How To Prevent Gingivitis

The good news is that gingivitis is very easy to prevent! Most of the time, gingivitis symptoms occur in areas that need more thorough oral hygiene. While you might think you’re already practicing great oral hygiene, you might want to review the following tips to ensure you’re cleaning your teeth as well as you actually think you are. Because the germs under the gums in gingivitis is anaerobic, meaning that it lives in the absence of oxygen, getting oxygen into the area literally destroys the germs and helps halt the infection.


  • Always use a soft-bristled toothbrush. Many people use a medium to stiff bristled brush, but these can actually cause more harm than good. Too much pressure during brushing can cause gum recession and enamel abrasion, leaving large wedges in the roots of the teeth.
  • Consider an electric toothbrush. High-quality electric brushes have soft bristles that are not only gentle on your teeth, but they also remove more plaque than manual toothbrushes, allowing you to clean your teeth and gums more efficiently. (4) Many electric toothbrushes also create a foaming action that helps penetrate areas under the gums and between the teeth, flushing out some of the germs.
  • Reassess your brushing method. Angle your toothbrush bristles at 45 degrees toward the gumlines. Focus on just two teeth at a time, and use small, circular motions at the gumline. Only apply as much pressure as you need to cause the gums to slightly blanch. Too much pressure or the wrong angulation will not target gumline plaque and could cause gum recession.
  • Use a pure, anti-germ toothpaste. Conventional toothpastes are filled with potentially harmful ingredients. Even “natural” toothpastes have abrasives and other additives. The best choice is to use a 100% pure botanical toothpaste that is proven to kill the germs that lead to gum problems like gingivitis, without any of the harsh chemicals.



  • Check your flossing technique. Flossing should not be simply taking a piece of floss and sliding up and down between the teeth several times. This can cause gum damage and does not target the plaque biofilm under the gums. Instead, wrap your floss in a “C” shape against each tooth, sliding up and down two to three times under the gumlines. This method protects the gums as well as helps remove debris that collects along the gum margin.
  • Think about using a water flosser. Water flossers are able to remove plaque deeply below the gums, between the teeth, and under hard to reach areas such as bridges or rough restorations that you might have problems cleaning with normal floss. (5) Water flossers are great for people with limited dexterity or simply don’t want to mess with floss in the first place. They are shown to reduce symptoms of gingivitis even more than some electric toothbrushes. (6)

Lifestyle Choices

  • Eat a balanced diet and get plenty of exercise. Eating the right foods, staying active and taking nutritional supplements can help strengthen your cardiovascular and immune systems, making it easier for your body to fight any infectious conditions.
  • Avoid tobacco. If you smoke, you are more likely to suffer from untreatable gum disease. Conditions like gingivitis may not be evident because the cigarette smoke causes blood vessels to atrophy, so you may never even be aware that you have a problem to begin with. Once the gingivitis progresses into periodontal disease it is nearly impossible to reverse unless you give up smoking.
  • Receive routine preventive care from your dentist. Having routine cleanings can remove any calcified germ deposits that would otherwise harbor conditions that encourage gingivitis. Your dentist can also identify any problem areas that may be susceptible to gingivitis, such as aging dental work or fillings with rough margins. If you have crowded teeth your dentist may recommend orthodontic therapy, which makes it easier to keep teeth clean and healthy.

Rinse with a pure mouthwash. When your mouth is trying to heal, it needs all the extra help it can get. Rinsing is one of the best ways to kill excess germs and help promote a healthy environment in your mouth. It’s best to rinse twice per day, after brushing and/or flossing. Be sure to swish and gargle thoroughly to help kill the germs in the entire mouth including the back of the tongue. It’s best to avoid alcohol-containing mouthwashes, because they can try out the mouth. A dry mouth is a breeding ground for bad germs, which cause gingivitis and other gum problems. Click here to learn more about rinsing with pure ingredients.

Treatments for Gingivitis

dental-hygieneIf you think that you have gingivitis, you need to take a look at your oral hygiene routine. Make sure it is structured with flossing, brushing and using mouthwash twice a day.

It is also important to find an oral care product that is free from chemicals like sodium lauryl sulfate and fluoride, and does not dry out your mouth like alcohol-based mouthwashes do.

If following these steps does not lead to relief, schedule an appointment with your dentist to discuss further treatment options.

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Conventional Treatments
Most of the time your dentist will prescribe home techniques for you to use in order to heal your gingivitis symptoms. Sometimes symptoms can be so severe that there are more conventional treatments that need to be used.

Prescription Fluoride
Higher concentrations of fluoride are sometimes prescribed to help reduce tooth decay and encourage enamel remineralization, and they also may be used to address gingivitis symptoms. (7) The cost of prescription fluoride gel is typically around $15 and lasts for a long period of time as only a small portion is used each day. However, you should be aware of the potential dangers of fluorideWhen your mouth is trying to heal, it’s best to avoid potentially harmful ingredients such as fluoride, sls, and others. The best approach is to use pure, antibacterial ingredients that will empower your mouth to begin healing itself.

Prescription Mouthrinse
A prescription mouthrinse may be prescribed temporarily to reduce the inflammation associated with gum infections. These rinses cost more than over-the-counter products, but their ability to destroy germs makes them a popular tool for severe gum infection. However, these mouthrinses typically contain alcohol, which dries out the mouth. When the mouth is dry, it’s easier for harmful germs to grow and multiply again, potentially causing an even worse scenario in the long run. Gingivitis symptoms may go away for a while, but that does not necessarily mean they will not come back. Furthermore, many of the commonly used prescription mouth rinses will cause significant staining on the teeth if used for more than two or three weeks. For these reasons and more, it’s best to use a mouthrinse that does not contain alcohol and is also effective at destroying gingivitis-causing germs.

Routine Cleanings
Six-month prophylactic appointments with your hygienist are key to managing gingivitis symptoms. In some cases patients that experience poor gum health may need more frequent cleanings. Delaying cleanings can allow symptoms to worsen if oral hygiene isn’t up to par.

Orthodontic Therapy
Braces are an effective part of a comprehensive method used to treat symptoms of gingivitis and gum disease. Because crowded teeth are more likely to have germs buildup between them, moving them into a functionally correct position can make managing gingivitis symptoms much easier. Orthodontic therapy can cost several thousand dollars and take up to three years to complete, depending on your individual needs. (8)

Natural Remedies
Natural remedies for gingivitis are typically the most effective means of managing, preventing and reversing the condition. When it comes down to how to treat gingivitis on your own, there are numerous resources available. The best person to help you stop gingivitis is you!

Home Remedies
Your oral home care routine is the most important part of treating gingivitis. Even your dentist will tell you that they can only do so much, but it will depend on what you do every day at home to help you keep your gums healthy. Using an electric toothbrush along with flossing or a water flosser will mechanically remove the germs from your mouth that causes gingivitis. Everything else is just a bonus! Other than the initial cost of your oral hygiene items, this method of cure is completely free. The best toothpaste to use is one that contains all-natural ingredients that have been proven to kill the germs that cause gingivitis.

Over-the-counter fluoride rinse may reduce the symptoms of gingivitis. It is extremely affordable but may not be as effective as prescription-strength fluoride gel. Keep in mind however that fluoride comes along with its own set of potential health dangers. It’s best to avoid fluoride and other chemicals such as sls and triclosan when your mouth is trying to heal.

Antiseptic Mouthwash
Most antiseptic mouth rinses are affordable and may help to reduce the symptoms of superficial or mild gum infections like gingivitis in the short run. However, rinsing with mouthwash does not remove germs from harder-to-reach areas under the gums or between teeth, which means rinsing is not a substitution for flossing. Some mouth rinses contain alcohol and cause dry mouth or burning sensations. A dry mouth can be a breeding ground for gingivitis-causing germs to multiply in the long run, thus defeating the purpose of the mouthwash. It’s best to use a non-alcohol mouthwash that contains ingredients that kill harmful germs.

Herbs And Natural Supplements
Studies show that various herbs and natural supplements can help not only provide removal of the germs that causes gingivitis, but can also alleviate symptoms. Some of these natural supplements include herbal additives or ingredients like pomegranate. (9) Herbal mouth rinses can be very effective in reducing gingivitis and inflammation of the gums. (10) In many cases these supplements are used in lieu of traditional oral hygiene products (toothpaste, mouthwash) and are shown to be extremely effective. (9, 11) They may be even more effective than other products. (12)

Essential oils can be very easy to use and make a significant impact on gum disease symptoms. (11) Some of these include:

Probiotics supplements have long been used for various systemic health needs. Studies have also shown that they also reduce oral disease conditions such as those from gingivitis. (13)

Vitamin or Nutritional Supplements that increase the body’s immune health and support healing are useful when used along with other preventive measures. Some of the most beneficial supplements that are known to help heal gingivitis are:

  • CoQ10
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A

Lifestyle Recommendations And Changes

The way you live, what you put into your body, and what you do with it all greatly affect your body’s ability to respond to infections like gingivitis.

Eat Healthy Foods
Fruits and vegetables contain nutrients that help your body’s immune system, and they also provide great stimulation for your gums while you chew.

Avoid Sugar And Processed Foods
Most processed foods contain refined sugars. When blood sugar levels rise it can cause an increase of inflammation, making it more difficult to treat gingivitis symptoms. The sugar also feed the germs in your mouth, creating an acidic environment that harbors oral disease.

Why Limiting Sugar Intake Holds The Key To Optimal Dental Health

Get your body to respond by getting up and getting your blood pumping. That doesn’t necessarily mean you need to become a bodybuilder. Simple activities like walking 30 minutes each day can be very beneficial!

Give Up Tobacco And Alcohol
Tobacco use hides the symptoms of gum disease, as well as prevents most treatment methods from reversing it. Alcoholic beverages contain high amounts of sugar, which promotes a breeding ground in your mouth for germs. Not only is it bad for your gums, it also leads to higher rates of tooth decay.

Your Questions About Gingivitis Answered

Is gingivitis curable? Yes. Gingivitis is a reversible inflammatory condition. The initial reaction is a sign of infection in that area of the gums due to plaque biofilm. However, when left untreated, gingivitis can turn into periodontal disease and result in tooth mobility or loss. It is easiest to cure the gum infection while it is still in the early stages of gingivitis. When treated effectively, gingivitis is completely curable.

Can you reverse gingivitis?  Yes. Proper oral hygiene and counteractive care to eliminate the disease germs from your mouth can lead to complete reversal of gingivitis. Unfortunately if gingivitis is allowed to persist it can develop into periodontal disease. Periodontal disease can be treated, but not reversed. It may also lead to tooth mobility and loss due to the destruction of bone support. Gingivitis only affects the superficial gum tissue and can be reversed!

Is gingivitis contagious? The advanced form of gingivitis, periodontal disease, can be contagious and passed between family members due to the bacterium in saliva. Sharing eating utensils or kissing can allow these germs to pass back and forth between persons, increasing the risk of developing gum infections. However, gingivitis is preventable and can only begin to develop in mouths that are not cleaned properly or in people who have suppressed immune systems.

When does gingivitis turn into periodontal disease? Gingivitis is simply the inflammation and infection of the superficial gum tissue. When gingivitis is allowed to persist, the germs are targeted by the immune system, which sends antibodies to the area. These antibodies cross the connective tissue, which causes the loss of attachment of both gum tissue and bone. Bone is lost as a result and deep pockets develop under the gum tissue. It is at this point when the condition becomes periodontal disease.

How long does it take to develop gingivitis? Gingivitis can usually develop in just a few days or over several weeks. Because it can be gradual, it may be more difficult to notice for people that don’t pay much attention to their oral hygiene – especially teenagers.

How long does it take to cure gingivitis? Classic gingivitis symptoms take approximately 10 to 14 days to heal. Even with proper treatment the conditions will continue to exist for several days. Be patient and wait at least two weeks before expecting complete reversal of symptoms. If your gums do not seem to be healing, you may have periodontal or gum disease and need professional care to cleanse the area.

Oral hygiene hurts my gums. How else can I treat the area? Cleansing areas of gingivitis will almost always cause you to be sensitive. Remember, if your gums are healthy they will not bleed. If you are brushing and flossing correctly, you will most likely experience some discomfort or bleeding while gingivitis exists. Stick with an efficient oral hygiene routine that includes flossing, toothbrushing and supplements, and expect your tenderness or other symptoms to subside within about two weeks.

My gums are still bleeding. Could I have something other than gingivitis? It is quite possible that even with effective care you could still experience bleeding gums during brushing or flossing. If you are anemic consider taking an iron supplement and watching your diet more closely. Some areas such as crowns or old fillings may have margins that harbor more germs than others, making them slower to respond to care. If you have developed periodontal disease or large amounts of tartar you ought to have a professional cleaning and screening to determine if there is bone loss around the area.

Which is worse – gingivitis or periodontitis? Periodontitis or periodontal disease is worse than gingivitis, but they’re both a form of the same infection. Gingivitis is the earliest stage of gum disease and is still reversible; periodontitis is severe and non-reversible.

How do I know if I have gingivitis or periodontitis? Gingivitis means 'inflammation of the gingiva'. Typically, it looks like mild swelling or redness along the edges of your gum lines. Deeper infections like periodontitis typically have added symptoms like bad breath, heavy bleeding, gaps between teeth, and gum recession.

If I have gingivitis what will my gums look like? The edges of your gums will tend to be bright red, in contrast to the healthy coral pink gingiva around them. You might also notice swelling along the edges or the papilla the pointed gum tissues between your teeth.

What does gingivitis look like? People with gingivitis tend to have red, swollen gums. It can also make your gums bleed when you’re brushing and flossing, so be sure to look for pink in the sink!

What does gingivitis mean? Gingivitis can be broken down into its two root words: 'gingi-', referring to gingiva or gum tissues and '-itis', which means inflammation of. So gingivitis means inflammation of the gingiva.

If left untreated what does it lead to? Gingivitis is a curable oral infection. But if it’s not treated, it will slowly progress into advanced gum disease known as periodontitis. Periodontal disease is the leading cause of adult tooth loss.

Could I have had it for a year? Yes. Gingivitis can occur at any age and is one of the most common dental infections. Most people just assume it is normal for their gums to bleed, but in reality, they have gingivitis.

When exactly should I see a dentist? If your gingivitis doesn’t improve with a rigorous two-week brushing and flossing routine, then you need to see a dentist. There is likely calcified buildup tartar under your gums that needs to be professionally cleaned off.

Should I go to a doctor for gingivitis? Not usually. Gingivitis is typically treatable with good oral hygiene and routine dental cleanings.

What do I do if I have braces and gingivitis? People with braces tend to get gingivitis easier, because there are more areas inside of their mouth to harbor plaque germs. Spend extra time cleaning around your brackets, under wires, and brushing along your gum lines. Consider an electric toothbrush and mouthwash to help lower germ levels.

Where did gingivitis come from? Any time plaque isn’t removed from your teeth and gums regularly, gingivitis begins to form. Daily brushing, flossing, and mouthwash can help to ensure it doesn’t return.

What causes gingivitis to happen? Dental plaque triggers an immune response in your body. Your gums see the germs film as an infection. If you don’t clean it off daily, the area begins to swell with antibodies and fluid similar to what you would see if you had an unclean wound on your skin.

Why is gingivitis bad? Gingivitis is the first warning sign that there’s an infection inside of your mouth. If not reversed, it can progress into an aggressive infection that causes tooth and bone loss.

Does everyone have gingivitis? Nine out of 10 people have some form of gingivitis. Why so many? Because most people don’t brush properly or use dental floss on a daily basis.

Is gingivitis common? Gingivitis is one of the most common dental infections in children and adults. Fortunately, it can be treated with good oral hygiene.

Can any drugs cause gingivitis? Some types of medications can lead to a pseudo-gingivitis or inflammation. Let your dentist know which prescription or over-the-counter medications that you’re taking to determine the source of your red gums.

How does gingivitis go away? Fortunately, gingivitis is usually reversible within two weeks. The key is to remove the plaque from your gums with good daily home care.

How long until gingivitis goes away? Usually it takes about two weeks before gingivitis is completely reversed, but only if you’re practicing rigorous daily home care.

Who all can treat gingivitis? Gingivitis is usually treated on your own, at home. More aggressive gum infections like periodontitis/periodontal disease require treatment from your dentist and hygienist.

Does gingivitis hurt? Since gingivitis causes swelling, it usually makes your gums tender to touch. However, your gums might even bleed without any noticeable pain. Other people say that it makes their gums feel itchy.

What does gingivitis feel like? Some people notice tender gums, bleeding, or an itchy feeling along their gum lines. However, gingivitis isn’t always uncomfortable which is why so many people don’t realize they have it.

Does gingivitis cause headaches? No. If you have a headache, it will be due to something else or another oral condition such as TMJ disorder, strep throat, or abscessed teeth.

Does gingivitis cause bad breath? Why? It can, depending on the severity of the gingivitis. Since swollen gums are the result of a germ infection, it’s possible for those germs and necrotic tissues to emit an odor during cellular breakdown.

Does gingivitis cause dry mouth? No, but dry mouth better known as xerostomia can increase your risk of gingivitis.

Does gingivitis cause pain? Most people don’t say that gingivitis causes pain, but they will admit to mild gum discomfort and irritation. However, if the gingivitis is severe, it can be painful to brush and floss.

Does gingivitis make your teeth hurt? If your teeth are sore, you likely have a more severe form of gum disease known as periodontitis. Gingivitis typically does not affect the way your teeth feel.

Does gingivitis hurt your teeth? Since gingivitis harbors plaque germs, it can raise your risk of new cavities along the gum lines if the biofilm isn’t cleaned away each day.

How does gingivitis affect the body? As with any type of germ-induced infection, the body responds by rushing antibodies through the bloodstream to the source. Prolonged gum disease can strain the immune system and make it more difficult to manage other health conditions.

Does gingivitis cause swollen lymph nodes? No. If you are to the point where there is a chronic infection that’s causing swollen lymph nodes, then you either have a more severe form of periodontitis or need to seek medical care.

Does gingivitis cause tooth pain? Gingivitis does not cause tooth pain, unless it’s accompanied by gum recession, which can then cause the exposed tooth root to feel sensitive.

Does gingivitis cause toothaches? No. However, aggressive gum disease (periodontitis) can cause toothaches due to the deterioration of the supporting structures that hold it in place.

Does gingivitis cause tooth decay? Since plaque causes both gingivitis and tooth decay, the two conditions can go hand-in-hand. Tooth decay would be more prominent along the gums, where the plaque buildup is accumulating.

Does gingivitis cause white tongue? Since the tongue is covered in hundreds of tiny papillae, it’s normal for film accumulation to build up on the surface especially if poor oral hygiene is a concern. But white tongue is not caused by gingivitis.

Does gingivitis cause jaw pain? No. But aggressive gum disease may lead to pain that radiates into the jaw if severe.

Does gingivitis cause neck pain? No. If neck pain accompanies gingivitis, it could be related to TMJ disorder or bruxism.

Does gingivitis cause ear pain? No. Ear pain is typical alongside of cases of TMJ disorder and clenching/grinding.

Does gingivitis cause bleeding? Yes. Gums with gingivitis bleed easily. Normal brushing and flossing may be all that it takes for the tissues to bleed. Ironically, that’s also what you need to do to help stop the bleeding!

Is gingivitis linked to heart disease? Advanced gum disease is linked with heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure, along with many other diseases. Treatment for gingivitis can prevent it from progressing into an aggressive periodontal infection.

Is gingivitis an STD? No. However, some STDs can cause sores in the mouth.

Will gingivitis cause heart problems? The more severe gum disease is, the higher likelihood a person has for a cardiovascular attack.

Does gingivitis cause mouth sores? No. Gingivitis does not cause sores, but aggressive periodontitis may accompany a periodontal abscess.

Does gingivitis cause mouth ulcers? No. Ulcers are not caused by gingivitis. They are usually the result of injury/trauma, viruses, or aggressive infections.

Does gingivitis cause cancer? Having cancer can increase your risk of developing gingivitis, but not vice versa.

Does gingivitis cause bone loss? If left untreated, gingivitis will progress into moderate to severe gum disease, which does cause bone loss.

What does gingivitis look like? Classic gingivitis appears as a red margin along the edges of your gums, closest to the teeth. Inflammation may also be present.

Will gingivitis go away on its own? No. Gingivitis is the result of plaque buildup and/or poor oral hygiene. Physically removing the biofilm is necessary for the infection to go away.

Will flossing reverse gingivitis? Daily flossing must accomplish proper brushing in order to remove the germs that cause gingivitis.

Will gingivitis go away with brushing? Yes, if you are flossing too. Make sure to brush along the gum lines thoroughly twice per day, with the bristles angled slightly towards the gums.

Will Listerine cure gingivitis? Listerine contains antimicrobial ingredients like essential oils and alcohol, which can inhibit germ growth.

What’s the best mouthwash if I have gingivitis? Look for a gingivitis mouthwash that has essential oils, which are known for germ inhibition. Try to avoid ones that contain alcohol, as it can dry out your mouth.

Does peroxide help with gingivitis? It’s not recommended to rinse with peroxide, as it can alter the natural flora inside of your mouth and result in complications like black hairy tongue.

Do antibiotics help with gingivitis? Taking antibiotics for gingivitis is not the standard of care, because it is a reversible condition with self-care, and could lead to drug-resistant germs.

Does amoxicillin help with gingivitis? No. Antibiotics are usually reserved for more aggressive forms of periodontitis, but not gingivitis.

How long will it take for gingivitis to heal? Typically, gingivitis only takes two weeks to fully heal as long as proper oral hygiene is practiced.

How long does gingivitis last? Gingivitis tends to be a chronic condition that gradually worsens into more severe gum disease unless it’s intercepted.

Can gingivitis spread? Yes, in that gingivitis usually starts in one area of the mouth and expands as the plaque buildup accumulates across a larger area.

What virus caused gingivitis? None. Gingivitis is not viral in nature. It is germ induced.

Is gingivitis common? Yes. Gingivitis affects people of all ages, but especially young children, people with poor oral hygiene, or individuals who are immunocompromised.

Is gingivitis bad? Having gingivitis means that there is an infection inside of your mouth. It’s never a good thing to have an active infection anywhere in your body.

Is gingivitis an emergency? No. But if it doesn’t respond to two weeks of good oral hygiene you should seek dental care in case a more serious gum infection is present.

Is gingivitis deadly? Gingivitis is not, but advanced gum disease can raise your risk of heart attack and stroke.

Is gingivitis genetic? Gingivitis tends to run in families, usually because of shared germs and similar oral hygiene habits.

Is gingivitis a disease? Gingivitis does not become an active form of gum disease until deterioration of the gums and bone around the teeth starts to occur.

Is gingivitis an infection? Yes. Gingivitis is an infection that’s caused by the accumulation of plaque biofilm along the gums, triggering an immune response.

Is gingivitis a fever? No. A fever should never accompany gingivitis. Fevers are usually indicative of more aggressive infections and systemic health issues.

Is gingivitis serious? Gingivitis becomes serious once it starts to destroy supportive bone and gum tissues, as it ultimately leads to tooth loss and germs can transfer from the mouth into the cardiovascular system.

Is gingivitis irreversible? Fortunately, yes. Gingivitis is one of the only dental infections that is completely reversible without professional dental care.

Why do my gums bleed? The bleeding is a result of thin gum tissues caused by swelling and fluids an immune response. The gums may bleed any time they’re touched with a toothbrush or floss if gingivitis is present. Healthy, normal gums should never bleed when you’re cleaning them.

Can you get gingivitis from being pregnant? Some women do experience a condition known as pregnancy gingivitis due to hormonal challenges. It is a temporary condition and may not respond to changes in oral hygiene care.

Is it okay that I’m pregnant and have gingivitis? Having a gum infection while pregnant can increase your risk of preeclampsia, preterm labor, premature delivery, and a baby with a low birth weight.

Will gingivitis go away after pregnancy? Gum infections should be treated as soon as they are diagnosed. Waiting for it to go away until after the pregnancy can put mother and baby at an unnecessary risk. However, pregnancy gingivitis itself usually does improve after giving birth.

How does gingivitis affect the body? Gingivitis causes the immune system to work hard to address an active oral infection. If left untreated, it can evolve into aggressive gum disease and make it more challenging to manage issues like diabetes, blood pressure, etc.

Does gingivitis smell? The germs that causes the gingivitis can be odorous, as well as any necrotic tissues where gum disease is becoming more advanced.

Do dogs get gingivitis? It’s possible for pets to get gingivitis. In fact, some vets do recommend that dog owners have their pets’ teeth cleaned regularly.

Is gingivitis contagious for dogs? No. Gingivitis is not generally considered to be contagious as it’s an immune response.

Will gingivitis kill my dog? Aggressive periodontal disease is the severe form of gum disease can jeopardize the health of any pet, especially if an abscess is present.

Will gingivitis kill my cat? In rare situations, a periodontal abscess could kill your pet if the infection spreads into their face or brain.

Can babies have gingivitis? No. Generally, gingivitis does not become a concern until a child has all of their teeth and is eating a typical diet.

Did germs cause gingivitis? Yes. Plaque biofilm is an accumulation of germs and byproducts that have been excreted by the germs as they process food debris.

What kind of germs causes gingivitis? Depending on the stage of the gum infection, some of the most common germs to find when there’s gingivitis are different strains of Streptococcus, Fusobacterium, Actinomyces, Veillonella, and Treponema.

Can I get gingivitis because I was sick? It could have. If you had a suppressed immune system or were too sick to brush and floss, the gingivitis could have developed over the course of several days.

Does gingivitis make you sick? Not usually. But aggressive gum infections can make you more prone to being ill.

Did I get gingivitis from kissing? Theoretically, the germs that cause gingivitis can be spread while kissing or sharing food. But good oral hygiene will prevent it from establishing itself as an infection.

Who discovered gingivitis? Although gingivitis doesn’t have any documented discovery, aggressive gum disease which used to be referred to as pyorrhea or trench mouth was called out in 1890 by Dr. John Riggs and as such, it was also called Riggs disease.

Will my gums grow back after I cure gingivitis? Gum tissues do not grow back if they have receded. Periodontal disease may require a graft or pinhole rejuvenation to cover exposed tooth surfaces. Fortunately, gingivitis doesn’t cause gum recession.

Are you born with gingivitis? No. It is a condition that develops due to a lack of dental care.

I have gingivitis so what should I eat? A diet that’s rich in fresh fruits and vegetables is an important part of promoting good oral and overall health. Foods rich in vitamin C like oranges and omega-3 including fish and fish oil can help gum tissues heal.

What should I not eat while having gingivitis? Processed carbohydrates and starches can increase plaque levels, which in turn fuel gingivitis.

Should I brush if I have gingivitis? Absolutely. Brush thoroughly along the gum lines, even if your gums bleed. It’s crucial to physically remove the plaque biofilm just under the edges of the gum tissues.

Kill the germs that cause gingivitis. Click here to find out how.

Try OraMD, the natural solution for healthy teeth and gums!


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Article Written By Sharon Boyd

Sharon has been a Registered Dental Hygienist since 2001. She also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Relations and Business. In 2011, she began implementing her dental knowledge into freelance writing services that aided dentists, product designers, continuing education providers and web marketing firms for their online and distribution purposes. She has since bridged her services into the medical and cosmetic surgery fields.


 Lara T. Coseo, DDSArticle Reviewed by Dr. Lara Coseo

Lara T. Coseo, DDS, is a 2004 graduate of Baylor College of Dentistry.  She has 13 years of experience practicing general dentistry.  She currently serves as a part-time faculty instructor at Texas A&M College of Dentistry and writes dental website content and blog material.



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