Oral Care - Researched Articles on the Latest in Oral Care News

What Is TMJ And How Do You Treat It?

What Is TMJ And How Do You Treat It?

TMJ disorder can cause you to experience excruciating pain. The good news is that it can usually be managed with home remedies.

Written By Meghan Belnap / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

4 Signs Your Teeth Grinding Is Getting Out Of Control

4 Signs Your Teeth Grinding Is Getting Out Of Control

Written By Anica Oaks / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Our body does some unusual things while we sleep. Among these unusual behaviors, teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can be one of the most harmful. Over time, this grinding together of your teeth can lead to tooth decay and loss, a condition that can typically be avoided. In order to address this issue, though, you first have to know it exists. If you think you might struggle with teeth grinding, here are four signs it is getting out of control.
Diagnosed With Bruxism? Here’s What You Can Do!

Diagnosed With Bruxism? Here’s What You Can Do!

Written By Jennifer Raskin / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Many people are surprised when their dentist diagnoses them with bruxism. A fancy word for teeth grinding, this isn’t something that happens on occasion, like when you watch your children cluster all the ornaments on the Christmas tree in one spot. It’s something that you do, likely without knowing.

5 Exercises To Relax Your Jaw And Alleviate TMJ

5 Exercises To Relax Your Jaw And Alleviate TMJ

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Your jaw muscles work in unison to assist you in talking, eating or doing any work that involves your mouth. Some people have the habit of mobilizing the jaws subconsciously, like during sleep, when they tend to grind their teeth, without their immediate knowledge. This faulty habit is known as bruxism, and it causes continuous stress to your jaw and also wears away the tooth structure, causing sensitive inner layers to get exposed, which produces several problems of their own.

Top 10 Common Dental Problems

Top 10 Common Dental Problems

Written By Oatlands Dental Lounge / Reviewed By Ray Spotts     You know good oral health starts with proper oral care. Brushing and flossing along with regular visits to your dentist Weybridge, all go a long way to keep your mouth healthy. But, if you've ever experienced sore gums or a toothache, you know that dental problems can occur even when you're taking proper care of your teeth. In fact, besides pain, dental problems can cause you some anxiety, especially when you dont know exactly what type of issue you are experiencing. By educat...
How To Tell If You Are Grinding Your Teeth

How To Tell If You Are Grinding Your Teeth

Bruxism is characterized by the teeth grinding against one another during sleep. People who experience bruxism tend to sleep with their jaws clenched tight, and involuntary muscle movements cause their teeth to grind against one another. In some cases, people who experience bruxism may even grind their teeth subconsciously while they are awake.The following infographic details everything you need to know about teeth grinding.
8 Ways To Relieve And Prevent Sensitive Teeth

8 Ways To Relieve And Prevent Sensitive Teeth

Written by Kerry Brooks / Reviewed by Ray Spotts

Sensitive teeth can be very annoying especially when they start to interfere with your life. You can't eat food that you want and have to take extreme care in choosing food to consume for fear of triggering the pain. Here are several steps to relieve and prevent teeth sensitivity.



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