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New Non-invasive Approaches To Tooth Restoration

Trusted Health Products

Written By Gabriel Hill / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

When it comes to clinical practice, as soon as they are cutting into your tooth that tooth will need to be repaired or replaced and that requires sometimes very aggressive procedures. To every professional, their goal is to minimize the structural damage they are doing to the tooth.

But since we live in such a technologically-advanced world it has been fairly easy to use non-invasive approaches to restoring teeth. That means that the procedures used are minimally compromising your tooth's structural integrity.

Air Abrasion

One of the most popular and standard ways of removing decay in diffusers and pits is air abrasion. That is because the micro-abrading of the interior of your crown - before they cement it to remove any contaminants - has been accepted as a great way of bonding criteria. The air abrasion removes the decay by removing tiny parts of it while not harming any enamel or dentin. Therefore it is minimizing the harm caused to the tooth structure.

Hard Tissue Laser

Since lasers have advanced, it allows the dentists to safely remove any decayed areas of your tooth with very minimal tooth loss. The options on this approach are half and half because there is a much greater risk resulting in highly variable bond strengths. Because they are eliminating the further development of the smear layer, the bonding technique has been simplified and therefore the bond strengths have drastically improved.


When you are looking at teeth that show hyper-calcified spots on the enamel, the dentists will often use the famous microabrasion technique to remove the discoloration to make that tooth spared from an enamel-ectomy. This is when they have to cut into your enamel so they will be able to remove the discolored spot and then replace it with a bonded composite resin that will become discolored and probably have to be replaced, which will add extra trauma to your tooth.

Often the improvements of microabrasion are better as the outcome is not noticeable from a distance. But in some cases, they might have to do additional treatment to match the color. If that is the case, the procedure is repeated up to three times until the colors are matched and there is no discoloration.

The process is quite painless and simple. If the patient is not satisfied with the outcome, they have to realize that further treatment might have to involve removal of their tooth structure and then restore it over time. Therefore, you will be compromising the structural infinity of your tooth, which is the thing that you are trying to avoid with non-invasive methods.

Tooth Recontouring

Another very popular method when it comes to minor tooth reconstruction is tooth recontouring. It will improve the aesthetic of your teeth without having to get full-on veneers, therefore, minimizing compromising the tooth structure during the whole process. That makes it one of the most popular non-invasive approaches to tooth restoration.

Teeth Bonding

Not a lot of people know about teeth bonding. Teeth bonding is a simple cosmetic dental procedure that, as its name says, repairs teeth that have been cracked, chipped or broken. It will also help with teeth that have gaps between them, or discoloration.

What makes it so good is that the bond is a composite resin that will take over where your teeth have been damaged and it will make it look as good as new even from up close. What makes it different from a crown is the color that will make it look natural even after a long period of having it on.

Teeth Implants

As modern implant prosthetics have advanced so much, dentists can now offer implants to patients who are missing teeth as the first and best choice. Teeth implants eliminate the need to remove healthy enamel from teeth adjacent to the edentulous site, allowing them to achieve the ultimate objective which is maintaining a healthy tooth structure.

Perio and Perio Restorative

The use of non-invasive techniques like closed-flap crown lengthening are done by using a laser and sterilization of your deep pockets. That is because lasers have improved drastically and the process of these dental procedures have cut down both healing time as well as procedure time while giving all the advantages of the previous therapies.

Since the lasers have improved so much, taking the impression is so much easier because there is tissue control. The tool improvement has made it much easier for both doctors and patients as the whole procedure is faster and less painful.

Treatment of Root Sensitivity

Whereas other methods like this involve a topical application of a different desensitizer, which is followed by acid etching and cutting into your exposed roots to place the restorative material, this method is not only shorter but less painful as well as it won't compromise your teeth structure. It is overall a faster and better procedure than the old-fashioned one.

Bite Splints

What a lot of people don't know about are bite splints. They are the best non-invasive way to prevent bruxism, which is grinding your teeth uncontrollably. Bruxism is a really harmful habit that happens when people are stressed out or sleeping.

When you are grinding your teeth, you are damaging them, and if it is not noticed in time, it can cause a lot of issues down the road. A bite splint is worn usually at night or when you feel that you are in a stressful situation in order to prevent you from grinding your teeth.

Onlays and Inlays

Another very non-invasive approach instead of using crowns is choosing inlays or onlays to restore the teeth. They don't require any teeth removal like a crown does. An inlay is a filling that is custom made to fit each tooth and it is cemented in place afterwards.

Because of its properties, it is one of the best ways of preventing further decay of teeth. An onlay is used when there is a deeper reconstruction needed and it also requires a lot less removal of your teeth structure than a normal crown would.

As you can see, there are so many different new non-invasive techniques in the dental industry that are going to provide you with not only better but longer-lasting effects. By choosing non-invasive treatments you are decreasing trauma to your teeth, minimizing the loss of teeth structure during the treatment phases, and making it a less stressful experience in the long run.

Looking for a 100% all-natural liquid tooth oil and mouth rinse? Check out OraMD Original Strength and OraMD Extra Strength. Subscribe to our Trusted Health Club newsletter for more information about natural living tipsnatural healthoral health and skincare. If you are looking for more health resources check out the Trusted Health Resources list.

Written By:

Gabriel Hill is an Australian freelance blogger and writer based in Canberra cooperating with Trusted Health Products.

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.

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