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Mental Health: Making An Unwinding Space In Your Home

Trusted Health Products

Written By Emma Williams / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Our housing affects our health not only through the materials we use but also through the design features. First of all, this concerns our emotional state: design can both calm thoughts and stimulate anxiety.

Psychologists can give more than one example when people come to them with complaints that they are not satisfied with their own home, they feel uncomfortable and unhappy in it. It happens that clients even complain about a chic new renovation made with the help of designers, but unfortunately, they do not bring the desired joy and satisfaction from their stay at home. 

The point is that it is not enough to have a "beautifully" designed home; it is also necessary to take into account the psychological impact that the main components of the design carry. How to create an interior that will relax your body and mind?

  1. Use natural elements for your unwinding space

Being close to nature is soothing and relaxing. Start with materials - natural wood, cork, textiles are not only environmentally friendly but also look very aesthetically pleasing. Then fill the interior with green plants in pots - they purify the air, decorate the room with natural forms and rich green color, and caring for them becomes a meditative activity that allows you to escape from routine and stress.

  1. Flowers for your unwinding space

Plunging into everyday worries, we often underestimate the importance of indoor flowers in our life, habitually thinking of them as a successful interior decoration. However, it is home plants that can distract us from everyday worries, calm us down, tune in to a complacent mood, make us a little happier, kinder and, finally, help our health.

Kalanchoe, for example, is called a home doctor, and sometimes a Goethe flower. It was really loved by the German poet Goethe. When you take care of this plant, some of its energy will certainly be transferred to you. By the way, at the time of colds, Kalanchoe leaves will provide the best prevention of throat diseases.

Jasminum sambac will delight you with long shoots, on which graceful star-shaped flowers with a unique aroma appear in spring. They can be used to flavour tea. They are collected at night - at this time they smell the strongest.

And even ordinary geranium, with its soft fleecy leaves containing citronella and geranium oil, relieves headaches, relieves fatigue, and normalizes sleep. Scented geranium leaves can be used to fill small sachet pads. They are put in linen to give it a pleasant aroma.

  1. Avoid flashy colors for your unwinding space

Everyone knows that color has a significant psychological effect on our condition, and too bright and aggressive colors can stimulate the nervous system. Even individual bursts of an active color (like orange) can turn an interior into annoying. 

Therefore, if you want to make your home calmer and pacifying, give preference to gentle and soft light shades. Blue is great for bedrooms due to its pronounced relaxing effect, and light green symbolizes sociability and openness, therefore it is ideal for living rooms.

  1. Create the right lighting for your unwinding space

Our mood and energy level depend on the degree of light and the nature of the light. The bright light of the cold spectrum makes us more put together, alert and energetic, which is great for the office, but in large quantities, such light depletes the nervous system and also makes it difficult to fall asleep. Therefore, for living areas - living rooms and bedrooms - choose soft yellow lighting.

  1. Become an adherent of minimalism for your unwinding space

Cluttered spaces, surfaces cluttered with minor details, only stimulate anxiety and increase the feeling of stress. The simpler the environment, the less unnecessary visual information, the more the brain rests.

This does not mean that you need to live in an absolutely sterile room - just give up unnecessary things, select items from a heap of trinkets that are truly aesthetic and meaningful to you, and also organize storage systems wisely.

  1. Invest in resting for your unwinding space

This is an essential part of mental and physical health. Make sure to have your corner where you can completely rest. For example, it can be your favourite comfy chair or ottoman from professionals like Bean Bags R Us, or your whole bedroom.

Speaking of the bedroom, make sure that nothing distracts and interrupts your sleep at night: this means that your mattress should be of high quality and comfortable, bed linen should not cause irritation or discomfort, the bedroom should be soundproofed enough, and the curtains should close tightly.

Do not forget that the mattress needs to be changed every seven years and before buying, be sure to test it by lying for at least 10 minutes in your usual sleeping position.

  1. Get a cat for your unwinding space

Any pet also has an anti-stress effect, but the best way to relieve stress is by having a cat. When you come home, the cat jumps towards you, expressing love and affection with its whole being, but if you are out of spirit and not in the mood for communication, it will go away.

  1. Get an Aquarium for your unwinding space

Do you want a piece of wildlife to enter your home? Get an aquarium. Tropical fish of amazing color, and green algae will attract your attention, calm your nerves, and give rest to your eyes. In addition, the presence of an aquarium increases the humidity in the room, which heals the atmosphere.

Choose a location where your artificial pond is well lit with natural light, but not in direct sunlight. In addition to natural lighting, your pets will need artificial lighting especially in autumn and winter, when the days are short, and there is not enough natural light.


To have your own perfect home that fits all your needs is a luxury for many. Pay attention to how you feel at home and think about what is lacking in it, and what, on the contrary, is too much. Do not forget to regularly get rid of excess.

A home that you want to return to and where it is convenient to do important things is an incredible value, and also easily achievable. Just don’t give up on your space too easily, and it will become your own temple.

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Written By:

Emma Williams is an Australian writer with a master‘s degree in business administration who has a passion for anything lifestyle and design related. She spends most of her time redecorating and participating in house projects. As a great nature lover, her biggest pleasure is travelling to magical places and spending time in her small family cottage by the river. https://twitter.com/EmmaWilliams204

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.

Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev from Pexels

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