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Best Exercises For Women To Achieve An Ideal Figure

Trusted Health Products

Written By Phrona Brown / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

To have an ideal figure would is next to impossible, nonetheless, it does not imply that you cannot gain one. Moreover, not having an hourglass shape does not make you unattractive or less healthy.

Remember that most celebrities you view in snaps do not have perfect measurements. Rather, they have expensive cosmetic processes, expert personal trainers, highly priced shapewear, and a professional trainer to have an ideal body shape. If you lack these things, rest assured that your chances of looking like celebrities would be relatively hard.

To lose excessive fat around the waist, toning hips, shoulders, or chest, you would have several healthy options to explore. However, it would be important to keep your expectations real. You need to make lifestyle choices, dietary habits, and changes in your fitness routine to make you appear more attractive.

Essential steps towards an ideal figure

An ideal figure would entail a thin waist, a bigger bust, and curvy hips. It implies that you need to target three areas on your body to gain an ideal figure.

  • The upper body
  • The waist
  • The hips and upper thighs

Let us delve into some of the best exercises for women to gain an ideal figure.

Reducing your waist size


Yoga is a great option for reducing your waist size. Considering yoga poses such as the bow and the boat pose will help immensely. To tighten the core muscles in your body, consider the reverse warrior pose.


Planks along with various other exercises based on stability of the body will trigger your core muscles. It will also assist you in trimming your waistline along with improving athletic performance. Planks will also help in improving your posture along with endurance for various activities such as cycling and running.

Toning your hips


Squats have been deemed the best exercise for developing a strong body below the waist. Squats can assist in toning your hip and thigh muscles. For squat exercises, consider doing a few sets of 10 to 12 reps.

Fire hydrants

The hip side flip exercise will target your buttocks and surrounding areas. It will also stabilize your core muscles. Consider doing a few sets of 10 repetitions on both sides. You can add more when it gets easier.


Lunges can assist in toning and building your buttocks and thighs with lean muscle mass. Lunges work on your abdominals or core muscles while providing your buttocks the desired lift. Consider starting with 10 to 12 lunges at one time. You can add more as it gets easier.

Toning your bust and shoulders

Wall presses

Also known as wall pushups, wall presses work on the pectoral muscles and the under-arm flab and upper shoulder areas to reduce breast size. Consider doing 10 to 15 pushups at one time. Complete another set after a few minutes rest.


The traditional pushups are the best exercise to tone the bust and shoulder areas. Consider starting with a minimum five pushups and gradually increase.

The bottom line

An ideal figure may not be hard to achieve. It will require dedication to exercise regularly, however, be realistic in your expectations.

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Written By: 

Phrona Brown is experienced in writing for different social media platforms including marketing and lifestyle. She also teaches about promoting your business on social platforms. For more details please visit https://worldtopthing.com/

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.

Photo by Marta Wave from Pexels

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