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How To Prevent Allergens From Getting In Your Home

How To Prevent Allergens From Getting In Your Home

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Allergy season can be a rough time for people who suffer from allergies. While allergies are worse outside, allergens can get inside the home as well and there are many ways this happens. In order to reduce your allergy symptoms, you need to prevent this from happening and here are some tips on how to keep those allergens away from your home.

Reasons Why Giving Back Will Boost Your Self Esteem And Motivation

Reasons Why Giving Back Will Boost Your Self Esteem And Motivation

The practice of giving back to those in need is a great way to become a kinder and more empathetic person.

Written By Paisley Hansen / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

4 Reasons You Could Need Eye Surgery Down The Road

4 Reasons You Could Need Eye Surgery Down The Road

Written By Emma Sturgis / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Eye surgery has been used as a treatment option since the 1980s. Over the years, the number of patients with eye problems has gone up. However, ophthalmologists are using advanced eye treatment methods to treat conditions like astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness. Here are four reasons that might lead to having an eye surgery.
The Safe Way To Return To The Gym During COVID-19

The Safe Way To Return To The Gym During COVID-19

Gyms were some of the first businesses to close as governments took measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Now we are seeing a lot of communities starting to relax social distancing guidelines and the reopening of gyms will be a part of this in many places. 

Written By Rae Steinbach / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Prevent The Spread While You Sweat: Exercise And Face Masks

Prevent The Spread While You Sweat: Exercise And Face Masks

Let's explore the ins and outs of wearing a mask while exercising.

Written By Rae Steinbach / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Link Between Teenage Obesity And Stiffening Arteries

Link Between Teenage Obesity And Stiffening Arteries

Children and adolescents with long-term obesity have increased arterial stiffness by their late teens.
6 Recommendations To Strengthen Bones And Joints

6 Recommendations To Strengthen Bones And Joints

Written By Lisa S. Jones / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Findings from the National Osteoporosis Foundation show that about 54 million Americans have low bone density or osteoporosis. Many of them have no signs or symptoms until they suffer a major bone fracture. Bone diseases can be prevented by simply incorporating enough calcium and vitamin D into your diet, says Kathryn Weatherford, LDN, RD, CNSC, and registered dietitian at BIDMC.
The Link Between Sleep Loss And Weight Gain

The Link Between Sleep Loss And Weight Gain

Researchers recently demonstrated that one night of sleep loss has a tissue-specific impact on the regulation of gene expression and metabolism in humans.
How Spring Cleaning Is Beneficial For Physical And Mental Health

How Spring Cleaning Is Beneficial For Physical And Mental Health

Reviewed by Ray Spotts

April showers may bring May flowers, but they also prompt the kickoff to spring cleaning season. Approximately 76 percent of homes in the U.S. plan to take part in the annual ritual. While the obvious outcome is a more pristine home, getting rid of old junk and dust can be a cathartic experience that’s also apt to give you a much needed boost to your physical and mental well-being after a long winter. Here are some projects you should consider tackling.

Link Between Magnesium And Vitamin D

Link Between Magnesium And Vitamin D

A random trial by the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center scientists shows that magnesium enhances the status of vitamin D, increasing it in people with deficient levels and lowering it in people with high levels.
Key Benefits Of Radish Oil

Key Benefits Of Radish Oil

Reviewed By Ray Spotts  

Radishes have a deep and rich history as a very polarizing root. Though it has tremendous benefits when it is consumed, it also has many benefits when it is administered topically and externally. We are so used to attempting to eat the roots and plants that are good for us, we sometimes don't realize they are just as good on the outside of our bodies as they are on the inside. Here's exactly how radish oil is supremely beneficial.

5 Tips For Healthy Feet During Summer

5 Tips For Healthy Feet During Summer

Written By Kunal Patel / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Our feet keep us on the move and if we don’t take care of them now, they’re going to develop foot ailments! Poor choices of footwear are a major reason for musculoskeletal foot problems, ingrown nails, toenail fungus, and smelly feet. Here’s a look at 5 tips to keep your feet healthy during summer.


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