Food and Health - Research on Food and How it Affects Your Health

The Link Between Food Waste And Diet Quality

The Link Between Food Waste And Diet Quality

Did you know that Americans waste nearly a pound of food per person each day? The exact amount of food we trash differs by how healthy your diet is, says a recent University of Vermont co-authored national study published in PLOS ONE. Between 2007 and 2014, U.S. consumers wasted nearly 150,000 tons of food per day - or nearly a pound of food per person each day. Researchers estimate that food waste corresponded with the use of 30 million acres of land annually and 4.2 trillion gallons of irrigation water each year. The amount of wasted food ...
The World's Food Waste And Hunger Problem

The World's Food Waste And Hunger Problem

Researchers and scientists at the University of Edinburgh examined and studied the 10 stages of a global food system and some of their findings were downright eye-opening. What was incredibly jarring was the information that was gathered regarding the over-consumption that society is largely guilty of when it comes to food. Almost half of the harvested crops are lost to over-consumption. This is no wonder when obesity is becoming an epidemic in so many different parts of the world.
Proper Food Storage Prevents Tons Of Food Waste

Proper Food Storage Prevents Tons Of Food Waste

March is National Nutrition Month which means several establishments and entities will provide information on how to live a nutritionally sound and fruitful life. In an attempt to lower our grocery bill and better allocate the amount of food that goes into our homes every month, there is an initiative to Go Further With Food. This essentially deals with being less wasteful and getting more actual use from the food you buy without it going bad from non-use or being stored improperly.


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