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Breast Cancer Prevention

Breast Cancer Prevention

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

So what are the prevention you need to know to lower breast cancer risk?
Studies from UC San Diego reveal that women who eat at least 5 servings of vegetables or fruits daily have cut their risk of breast cancer related death by half.

Kick These Bad Habits And Break The Mold

Kick These Bad Habits And Break The Mold

Reviewed by Ray Spotts

Nearly 30% of young adults bite their nails, and there are reasons beyond ugly hands for breaking this bad habit. Biting your nails can interfere with normal nail growth and damage your tooth enamel. Not only that, but there are plenty of harmful bacteria that live underneath your fingernails, which you certainly don't want to bite into. Keep your nails trimmed short and there will be less to chew on, and less space for bacteria to live as well. If that doesn't work, the same products used to stop thumb sucking in children will make your finger nails taste just as terrible.
Add Healthy Years To Your Life

Add Healthy Years To Your Life

Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Pick out a word from the newspaper or dictionary every day. Put it on an index card and quiz yourself occasionally. It may not sound like much, but this type of exercise keeps your brain sharp. The brain continues to regenerate nerve cells throughout your entire life, and this process called neurogenesis helps older adults to improve memory and cognitive function as they age.

Natural Answers For Allergies

Natural Answers For Allergies

There are over 40 million Americans that suffer from seasonal allergies, and whats worse is that most of the medications that help alleviate these symptoms have harmful side effects. Fortunately, there are some answers hiding in nature that are much safer than drugs, and have little to no side effects.  Quercetin Quercetin is a plant pigment that can inhibit cells that produce histamine. Its naturally occurring, and can be found in various foods like citrus fruits and onions. Don't plan on getting enough of it through your diet though, the a...
Improve Your Odds Against Heart Disease

Improve Your Odds Against Heart Disease

Reviewed by: Ray Spotts

Manage Stress. If stress isn't properly controlled or managed, it can lead to further physiological damage like high blood pressure. This, in turn, will greatly exacerbate your chances of heart attack or stroke. Try starting with simple relaxation techniques like controlled breathing and meditation. Focus on each breath entering and exiting your lungs, and imagine your stress leaving you every time you exhale.



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