Giving Thanks For A Healthy Turkey-Day Feast

Trusted Health Products

Gobble. Gobble. We Americans will gobble up more than 45 million turkeys this Thanksgiving. That's a whole lotta drumsticks! And all of those stuffed turkeys will help to pack one or two extra pounds onto our waistlines. For most of us that's one or two pounds too many! 

Wouldn't it be great if this year's trek to the family Thanksgiving feast didn't sour into one long guilt trip the next day? You know, the post-turkey remorse and the obligatory list of lies we nobly call our New Years Resolutions.

Why not be courageous and proactive now instead of setting yourself to be contrite and hysterically reactive later. First of all, decide now to ban the binge before the binge. Translation: when you start noshing on those veggie tray appetizers, instead of dolloping on a ton of fattening sour cream dips try Greek yogurt dips instead. Loading up on high calorie dips, sauces, chips, and other snacks as a prelude to the grand finale can be a waist-expanding waste of time.

While you and your family are taxiing around the runway waiting to crash land at the dinner table, do something else with your mouths. Instead of stuffing your faces, share them. You know, talk! Catch up. Reminisce. Rhapsodize about all the things you're most thankful for this year.

And during this holiday season, remember that PC doesn't stand for political correctness; it stands for portion control. If available, select a smaller plate to pile on the goodies. In any case, monitor how much you pile on your plate the first time and try to forgo seconds.

Boost your holiday spirits with more spritzer than alcoholic spirits. Mix wine with a little club soda or add some tonic to your whiskey. Don't think of it as polluting your drink; think of it as an opportunity to enhance it with something that's healthier for you. After all itll reduce your caloric intake and it might even help to reduce your chances of becoming another drunk driving statistic on the ride home. I'm just saying.

If you're the chef this year, dare to substitute some traditional favorites with healthier ones. Example: sweet potatoes are already sweet, so why candy them? Try roasting them. Instead of mashed potatoes why not mash butternut squash? If dinner rolls are a Thanksgiving tradition you simply cant live without, try whole grain bread rolls instead of toxic white flour rolls.

And while we all relish cranberry sauce, it turns out that cranberry relish is a lot healthier - honey instead of sugar, no corn syrup, and fewer calories.

As soon as the carving knife is raised over that turkey, call dibs on the white breast meat. Its lower in calories and fat than the dark meat. Instead of a creamy, fat-filled casserole, how about rolling some steamed asparagus, broccoli, or green beans in melted butter? Yummier and so much more nutritious.   

Instead of gorging on apple cobbler try baked apples with a little honey and cinnamon; fruit salad instead of fattening cakes and pies.

Thanksgiving is a cherished tradition but who says you and your family cant start a few new traditions? Better portion control, fewer fattening foods, whole grains, organic fruits, and veggies--make these healthier choices and your body will thank you for it.

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Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com

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