5 Uses For Magnesium Supplements You May Not Know

Trusted Health Products

Written By Lizzie Howard / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

Keeping your body and brain in balance can be challenging. Even with a healthy diet and exercise routine, you may find yourself struggling to stay active and keep your spirits up. Adding supplements to your daily routine may make it easier to protect your bones, muscles, and mind.

Magnesium and Mood

Recent studies indicate that a magnesium deficiency can lead to higher levels of anxiety. Extreme anxiety can, over time, make it very hard to

  • sleep well
  • manage your weight
  • plan for the future

Chronic anxiety can also contribute to the risk of depression, which can be fatal. The best magnesium supplements are often paired with B vitamins, particularly vitamin B6. Both Vitamins B6 and B5 make it easier to protect your nervous system and boost your energy.

Protect Your Heart

A diet high in magnesium is generally loaded with fiber. Raw greens, whole grains, nuts, and black beans offer a great deal of magnesium. However, if you have a family history of high blood pressure or heart attack, dietary magnesium may not protect you fully.

If you've never taken a magnesium supplement before, consider starting your dosage with a meal. Taking your supplement with food, particularly foods that have a bit of fat in them, can protect you from stomach upset.

Track your physical reaction to your magnesium supplement; if you experience diarrhea or cramping, you may need a lower dose twice daily.

Magnesium for Gut Health

Whole grains, yogurt, leafy greens, nuts, and black beans are all good sources of magnesium. If you have been trying to increase your fiber and roughage intake, the addition of raw green veggies is a good start. Once your gut adjusts, you can add whole grains or beans.

Consider starting your magnesium supplement before you boost your fiber intake. A large dose of fiber can be an unpleasant jolt to the system. If you often have to use laxatives or antacids, you may be able to dial those back as you make dietary changes.

Consider adding fiber and roughage slowly. For example, you can make sure that each meal includes one raw food before you change up your grain choice.

Boost Your Bone Health

Low levels of magnesium make it hard for your body to maintain strong, healthy bones. Getting plenty of calcium and vitamin D is certainly important, but low levels of magnesium seem to impact your absorption of those products.

Pairing magnesium, calcium, and vitamin D with other behaviors are critical to protecting your bones. Make sure you get plenty of water, get plenty of weight-bearing exercises, and stay limber. Exercises such as yoga and tai chi can increase your balance and protect you from the risk of falls as you build core strength.

Additionally, many people who struggle with arthritis pain find that a magnesium supplement can help to reduce their pain level. If you struggle to exercise because you hurt, try magnesium and check your pain level. These supplements may help to take the edge off your discomfort so you can get moving, stretching, and hydrating again.

Magnesium and Your Nervous System

Maintaining healthy levels of magnesium will support the process of neurotransmission. Your nervous system routes information around via electrical impulses. It's important to note that some of the signs of magnesium deficiency include

  • numbness
  • headache
  • nerve inflammation

Migraine and fibromyalgia pain is also associated with magnesium deficiency. Because magnesium impacts the function of nerve receptors, being low on it may make you more sensitive to touch, temperature, light, and stress.

As you boost your magnesium intake, make sure you avoid products that will encourage the body to shed magnesium. Excess alcohol, caffeine, and some medications can make it very hard for your body to maintain magnesium. Discuss your concerns with your physician before starting your supplement routine.

It is possible to get too much magnesium. Generally, your body will let you know. If you start a supplement and suffer from cramping, diarrhea, or nausea, back off the supplement or try to take it with the largest meal of the day. You may need to pair it with fat, such as nut butter.

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Written By:
Lizzie Howard is a Colorado native who after graduating from the University of Colorado spends her time as a freelance writer. When Lizzie isn’t writing, she enjoys going on hikes, baking for her friends and family, and spending time with her beloved yellow lab, Sparky.

Reviewed By:    

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.

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