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5 Healthy Resolutions To Ring In The New Year Right

Trusted Health Products

Written By Lewis Robinson / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

As a new year approaches, many people will turn to resolutions for bettering themselves and their personal situation in the coming year. If done carelessly, that can be a recipe for disaster. In truth, resolutions by themselves aren't bad. People have been making them at the start of a new year for centuries.

However, setting unrealistic goals that lead to frustration and failure is a newer phenomenon.

Why start off a brand new year on a shaky foot when you can make it a great one? This year, try one - or a few - of these five healthy choices to help you ring in the new year. 

1. Prioritize Sleep

Sleep deprivation is a very real problem that can contribute to stress, chronic pain and inflammation, and poor overall health. Most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. The chances that you are achieving that are slim, but now is a great time to change that. 

Try to prioritize better sleep. Depending on your personal situation, that may mean employing any number of the following strategies:

  • Set a reasonable bedtime and stick to it
  • Create a restful atmosphere in your bedroom
  • Learn about the best sciatica sleep positions to relieve pain
  • Use essential oils to promote relaxation and deeper sleep
  • Put away any electronics at least one hour before bed

2. Learn How To Manage Stress

Stress is another contributing factor to a host of health problems, both physical and emotional. While you can't avoid it altogether, there are plenty of proven strategies for managing stress. Learning one or two that work well for you is a great way to get the new year started on the right foot.

Commit to trying at least one of these stress-busting techniques in the coming month:

  • Take a yoga or tai chi class
  • Practice adult coloring
  • Relax in a warm bath
  • Research which essential oils help reduce stress and anxiety
  • Start a gratitude journal
  • Sign up for an online meditation course

3. Boost Gut Health

Did you know that the gut microbiome is directly connected to your emotional health, your perception of pain, and your immune response? Those millions of microbiota are hard at work every minute of every day, and supporting their health can really make a positive impact on how you feel this year.

That's why resolving to improve your gut health can be such an amazingly powerful goal for the new year. Limiting ultra-processed foods and added sugars is a great place to start. Adding fiber-rich fruits and veggies can also support gut germs by giving it a steady food supply.

You may not see immediate results with this approach, but by the end of next year, you'll probably wonder why you waited so long to focus on gut health. 

4. Create a Household Budget

Health isn't just about your body; it can also be about your finances. Creating a household budget is an excellent way to improve them over the next year, and hopefully well into the future. It is helpful to remember that budgets aren't punishment. Rather, they're a way to effectively allot resources to your highest priority items.

Those will change over time, so be sure to revisit your budget every three to six months to make sure you are headed in the right direction. 

5. Learn a New Skill

Brain health is a real thing, and it is one that becomes more important as you age. Why not get a headstart on keeping your thinking skills sharp by learning how to do something new? The greatest part is that it doesn't matter what you learn as much as that you are acquiring and processing new information.

So, whether you've always wanted to learn a new language, play an instrument, or hang-glide, commit to giving it a go this year.

This year, instead of making the same old tired resolutions you are just going to forget in a few weeks, try something new. Learning a new skill, focusing on getting better sleep and supporting gut health, managing stress levels, and organizing your finances are all good ways to keep your life healthier. 

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Written By:

Lewis Robinson is a freelance writer and expert in health and fitness. When he isn’t writing he can usually be found reading a good book or hitting the gym.

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at

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