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How Do Amino Acids Benefit Skin?

Trusted Health Products
Written By Kassandra Foreman / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

There are several amino acids that are highly beneficial to the skin and body, but a few are particularly beneficial. Of these, arginine, histidine, methionine, lysine, and proline are the key ones for maintaining heathy, hydrated skin that slows the affects of skin aging. Amino acids do this in a way that is very different from other ingredients and nutrients by activating the skin’s own nutrients and abilities, and increasing the body’s natural production of the needed processes.

Absorption Boost

While other skincare ingredients add nutrients directly to the skin and must be applied regularly amino acids encourage the skin to create its own nutrients. Rather than adding a hydrating ingredient to the skin, the amino acids help the skin absorb the hydration that it already has. This boost means that the skin will hold on to the moisture it receives from the body, from the water that is added through consumption or applied to the skin. Any moisturizers will see increased results. The amino acids work to help the body transport water throughout the skin, taking it to the areas that need it the most and maintaining the health of the skin.

Increased Protection

In addition to increasing the hydration of the skin, amino acids also increase the production of the skin’s protective layers and nutrients. The increased production of glutathione, a necessary antioxidant, helps to repair any damage to the skin from the environment, blue lights, and the sun. The antioxidants provide the skin cells with the ability to heal, maintain their elasticity, and reduce dark spots. This increased protection against the damages of the environment reduces inflammation, wrinkles, puffy areas, and evens out skin tone and color.

Delivery Systems

There are many ways to add amino acids to the skin, and they can all be very productive. However, there are some limitations on where to get them from. Studies have shown that amino acids that are created by people - synthetic amino acids - are not as useful to the body or as successful as the ones that are derived from plants or animals. A plant-based strategy is a viable option. Plants can be grown as needed, are plentiful and can be replenished, and they are well suited for addition in skin care. The effectiveness of both delivery systems seems to be fairly equal, so personal preference and cost effectiveness can be deciding factors in seeking out the injections or using skin care that is easily applied daily.

Amino acids not only increase the hydration efforts by transporting the water throughout the skin, but also by helping the proteins and increasing the skin’s retention of hydration. In addition to this they can increase the skin’s natural protection against the environment and pollutants, as well as slow the affects of aging and keep skin clear, correct color tone, and increase the antioxidants found within the skin.

Looking for 100% chemical-free, all-natural nourishing face and body oils? Check out Earth & Elm Nourishing Face Oil and Earth & Elm Nourishing Body Oil. Subscribe to our Trusted Health Club newsletter for more information about natural living tips, natural health, oral health and skincare. If you are looking for more health resources check out the Trusted Health Resources list

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Kassandra Foreman has been writing freelance for five years now and enjoys learning about new things to write about. When not writing she teaches yoga and meditation with a focus on health and fitness.

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Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at

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